Author Topic: Hoping for some help getting started  (Read 10022 times)


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Hoping for some help getting started
« on: March 11, 2016, 09:55:22 pm »
Hi, I just downloaded this game and I'm really liking the concept of it. But alas, I have no clue at all what to do. I saw in a different forum post that someone received a very helpful "newbie" guide, and that's really great, but what I want is someone's opinion on whether or not this game is something for a casual player like myself. I know nothing of programming and the idea of switching between the game and the manual all the time is a little annoying but I can look past that. But is the game worth playing if I can't program any personal preferences into it?

Ps. I noticed there haven't been any recent posts on here. Is the game still in production? And thanks in advance for any help.


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Re: Hoping for some help getting started
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2016, 11:28:43 am »
Hi, I just downloaded this game and I'm really liking the concept of it. But alas, I have no clue at all what to do. I saw in a different forum post that someone received a very helpful "newbie" guide, and that's really great, but what I want is someone's opinion on whether or not this game is something for a casual player like myself. I know nothing of programming and the idea of switching between the game and the manual all the time is a little annoying but I can look past that. But is the game worth playing if I can't program any personal preferences into it?

Ps. I noticed there haven't been any recent posts on here. Is the game still in production? And thanks in advance for any help.

Hi Nemnadogg, welcome to the Blackvoxel Forum.

Yes, the game remains in production and there is no plan to stop.

Like most Free Sofware,  that's a long term project that (we hope) will have no stop and no end.

At this time, progress on development depend on our time, so that could go faster or slower.

Activity on the forum are usually higher when there is big updates and usually goes down in between.

About your question on a "newbie guide", a quick tutorial is here :

For programming, there is also the first lesson on our youtube channel :

About programming, it's not mandatory at all for playing Blackvoxel. This game can be played like any other adventure games. At this time, programming is only an option you can choose in term of game to see what programming can help you to achieve. That what is making Blackvoxel a good educational programming learning playground.

Yes we think Blackvoxel can be played by a casual player. But that could depend on what you like in games. Blackvoxel is an adventure and sandbox game where the goal is to explore this mysterious world, encounter very unknown things and situations and find how to deal with these. So the game will be suited for you if you like to take time to explore, discover... and build. And like in all games with total freedom, some of the goals are up to you...

What I can say to help you about the game goals are :

As you start with nothing, the goal of the game is to develop technology, tools, vehicles, means to explore the world and make things around you "more friendly" :

You'll have to build what we call a "tech tree" : collect resources to build tools. Use tools to build machines, use machines to make other machines. Use machines to make parts. Use parts to make vehicles, tools and machines.

The first goal should be to build some new constructor/destructor tools in order to dig faster and be able to collect some voxels that your "first tool" is unable to grab.

The second goal is to build some extraction robot to get mining operation automated. Achieving this need to master the metallurgy part of the game.

Ultimately, the ending of the "tiers 1" actual game is to build the airplane, takeoff and fly to discover the world.

The game universe is made of "zones" made of square rings around the central blue area you started on, each with it's own looking and dangers.

So one other goal of the game is to discover each of these zones and to get trough each to discover the next one. Very unknown things are to be expected...

Don't hesitate to ask if you have other questions about the game.

The Blackvoxel Team


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Re: Hoping for some help getting started
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2016, 03:43:21 am »
Thanks, that really helps! I love the game so far.