; *******************************************************************
; Program Name : Hello World
; Purpose : To provide an example of syntax usage in a 'Hello World' setting.
; Author : Kara O'Dell
; *******************************************************************
.org 0 ; start program at 0x00000000
move.l VIDEO_ADDRESS(r0), r1 ; move video addr pointer address to r1
move.l #VIDEO_MEMORY, r2 ; move our video location to temp register so we can
move.l r2, (r1) ; ... store it at the address in r1
move.l VIDEO_MODE(r0), r1 ; move video mode address to r1
move.l #1, r2 ; move our setting value to temp register so we can
move.l r2, (r1) ; ... store it at the address in r1
brk ; halt cpu
VIDEO_MODE: .data.l (0x80000100) ; data statement with hexadecimal operand
; ... and address of video mode setting.
VIDEO_ADDRESS: .data.l (0x80000104) ; address of video address pointer
VIDEO_MEMORY: ; this is the address we will store into VIDEO_ADDRESS
.data.b ("Hello World!") ; data statement with string operand