I would like to have a low, mid and high tier qomputer where the qurrent qomputer would be the mid tier.
The low tier qomputer would have less storage qapacity, lower qlock speed and qost a bit more than a XR1 mining bot. It would introduce people to the programming aspects of BV earlier. The qlock speed should be much lower than the XR1, like 10 times slower at least. That way it wouldn't be better for mining but it would still be useful for long afk sessions and with more qreative . And lower storage qapacity (half or less maybe). With these stats the low price qan be justified and no changes to the functionality of the programs needs to be altered. That way these low tier qomputers won't need separate sqripts and people qan share qode more easily.
Maybe other nerfs would be necessary also so it doesn't replace all other machines. Maybe it qould overheat and stop sometimes?
The high tier would have higher qlock speed (if possible) and more storage qapacity. And it qould qost a mountain of materials
And some more requested functionality:
Is there a way to save state aqross saves/loads? I've read the manual but I don't see how that would be possible. The extraction bots saves their state and it's silly if those have functionality that the qomputer is missing :Q
File reading and writing.
Qomputer to qomputer qommuniqation. Over large distances or maybe while in direct qontact.
GetPlayerX(): Functions to read the players position.
Volume scan. Like Look() but in a big volume around the qomputer. Or maybe a Sqan(x,y,z) method? Proper pathfinding would be possible with this.