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Suggestions / Re: Mid-game logic systems
« Last post by Enigma on April 29, 2017, 04:53:17 am »
Thanks for your interesting suggestions and toughts  :)

Yes, we are aware that there is currently a gap to fill between "dumb" automation and the programmable stuff. And that is limiting the kind of interactions that can be done. We have some reflexions and improvement plans for future updates in order to bring more production schemes. But the confirmation of the user (you) on this point is useful for us.

You'll be happy to hear that many point you raised are already in our plan : logic gates, sensors and electronic circuits... and many, many more. (It's would be difficult to expose the 7 years of thinking we had around this game). All these will come. Though, these may work differently of what you described : Blackvoxel have a particular game logic and spirit ;). We should publish a guide to explain this.

For interfaces to voxel inventory, there are already some. That's what enable automation interactions (ex: Pump->Atomic Compressor). But I guess you mean : these are stream oriented and a direct access kind is missing for some kind of future blocks or the programmable robot. We'll add one.  :)

About roadmap and priority, it's difficult to indicate when a particular feature will be implemented as the roadmap is dynamic and subjet to frequent re-evaluation and changes. This also depend on community returns.

For the actual gameplay, I would recommend not trying to control the production from the source (by "blocking" it's input) but rather to control the production from the end : When a machine produce something and you don't remove the produced block, the machine will stop and wait for producing another one. Yes, some resources are immobilized in the "pending" production. But that's not a real problem as resources in blackvoxel are plentiful enough.
About chaining production, I recommend to use the networks (Optical and Wireless). Several machines can be fed with one single input. You can make a factory that can build everything "on demand" with this.

The Blackvoxel Team

Suggestions / Mid-game logic systems
« Last post by dodomorandi on April 25, 2017, 07:56:29 pm »
Ingame needs
At a certain point of the game, the player will control a good amount of machines. Different machines can produce different things, and most of them can produce different things depending on the inputs.

Almost any player will want to automatize the production of parts, and this can accomplished in two main ways:
  • Automatization of machines using sequencers, customization of the recipe of the sequencer
  • Many copies of the same machine, every machine (and its automatization) is related to only one recipe

The input can be automatized quite a lot, but in both cases there is a main issue: there is not a "real" way to turn on and off machines. A craft can be avoided/stopped just removing the blackrock blue voxels, but it is not a real "human friendly" approach. Advanced actions can be performed with a computer, but it is an end-game approach.

In short: a logic system to control machines is needed.

Short-term implementation
A change that, maybe, could not require a massive effort is the following: the current human interfaces, the indicator light and the input switch, could be able to interact with the most of the artificial voxels.

Example 1
There is an atomic compressor with an adjacent materializer which is connected (with transmitters or conveyor belts) to an automatized production system. Moreover, there is a block above the atomic compressor indicating what will be produced in relation to this input. The player can put a certain amount of blackrock blue voxels inside the compressor and use the switch.
This approach already works, but it is not possible to "stop" the materializer. If an input switch placed above the materializer could interact with it, this would be possible.

Example 2
Production system can be chained. The same output product can be used by different downstream machines.
Input switches could be used to select specific chains and obtain different output without manipulating the production chain.

Medium-term implementation
Adding some voxels could improve dramatically the usability:
  • A cable voxel, able to bring the logic signal around. Coloured cables to avoid mixing signals from adjacent cables;
  • A sensor. A block able to emit a logic signal whenever a block is present in front of it
  • A NOR gate. I am not completely sure, but this (with the cable) could be sufficient to create a turing-complete logic system

It is easy to imagine all the possible applications of these features.

Long-term implementation
Ok, put here everything you could imagine. One important thing would be a sort of content interactor, to allow the detection of the voxel stored inside the machines. We can also think to every possible gates, latches, timers, counters and so on.

What do you think? Do you thing that these could be useful (and funny) mechanics? Do you think they could be implemented in the game with a balanced amount of efforts? Are there more important things that need to be implemented and have higher priority? Feedback appreciated!
Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: Two bugs in the manual
« Last post by Enigma on April 22, 2017, 11:04:21 pm »
Hi dodomorandi and welcome to the Blackvoxel Forum  :)

That's fixed ;)

The mission 21 is now published(So, don't forget to accomplish it).

Thank you for submitting these bugs. This is very useful for us.

If you see other problems or issues, we'll be happy to fix these. :)

The Blackvoxel Team

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Two bugs in the manual
« Last post by dodomorandi on April 22, 2017, 10:06:20 pm »
There are two bugs in the manual.
The first is that there is no "Slow Voxel Dematerializer" page, but the "Slow Voxel Materializer" is present twice. It is obviously a problem because it is the only way of obtaining the recipe, except for looking inside the code ;)
The second bug is minor: there is no mission 21. It seems like that it is not missing and the numbering is just shifted, but I will report anyway.

Hey, nice work with this update! There are many issues with the game, but it is very fun! Good work!
Announcements / Re: Blackvoxel V2.0 is out
« Last post by Enigma on April 22, 2017, 04:05:58 am »
Yay! :)
Was just thinking... they said they were going to do a new version 'soon'... I checked a month or so ago and nothing :)  But now....

Hi, d3x0r, Glad to see you.  :)

Yes, at the time we answered, we though to release it shortly.

But the objective was strongly raised in between  ;)
Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: drill grinding sound stops after first block
« Last post by Enigma on April 22, 2017, 04:03:45 am »
Thanks for this report and interesting reflections,

The drilling sound was really annoying when mining repeatedly for a long time. That's why we decided to stop it after collecting one block for saving our ears ;). Yes, it could be taken as a bug, so we agree it's not the perfect idea. We left it as is because it is comfortable. Maybe we'll find something better someday...

There is no "running" mode in Blackvoxel. The idea behind this choice is : faster = vehicles. If the player could run, the vehicles would be less usefull.

We tough about an optional running mode as a power. But this will depend on our futur choices about game balancing. Nothing decided yet.

Shift in Blackvoxel activate the "No Fall" mode and the "Caps Lock" key locks this mode on.

We choose this key because it is near the "WASD" keys and easier to maintain for a long time than the CTRL key.

In this mode, the player is supposed to walk cautiously, so the feet won't hit the ground hard enough to make a footstep sound.

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / drill grinding sound stops after first block
« Last post by d3x0r on April 20, 2017, 10:57:28 am »
So when drilling, if I click and drill, there's a kinda buzzing/grinding sound for the drill.  If I continue to hold the button, that sound stops for the second block.  if I release and click again it re-starts.  (almost shouldn't stop really?)

when holding shift (to run?) the footstep sound stops; and move speed doesn't seem different (if there's supposed to be one)

(Windows 7)
Announcements / Re: Blackvoxel V2.0 is out
« Last post by d3x0r on April 20, 2017, 10:48:09 am »
Yay! :)
Was just thinking... they said they were going to do a new version 'soon'... I checked a month or so ago and nothing :)  But now....
Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: Mission 1 control typo
« Last post by olive on April 12, 2017, 01:59:24 am »
Hi SideburnEtic,

It's fixed.

Thanks for the report  :)

The Blackvoxel Team
Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Mission 1 control typo
« Last post by SideburnEtic on April 12, 2017, 01:33:09 am »
At, "C", "V", "N" should be "C", "V", "B".

Also, still has a note that 2.0 is upcoming.
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