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Messages - shadowwraith

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Announcements / Re: Blackvoxel is now a free software !
« on: June 05, 2014, 04:50:09 pm »
Hi Qon,

Glad to see you.

Thanks a lot for all your support and encouragement !

We are also working on opening a Github repository.

The Blackvoxel Team

Might i suggest a launchpad ppa for ubuntu/debian/mint users as this would help greatly when releasing new versions of the game, all the user simply has to do is use

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade in a terminal

or for those new to linux, their update notifier (most distros have them installed by default) will alert them to the new game version and allow the user to download the update direct from the ppa without having to navigate to the blackvoxel site to get it.

Thank you, the game appears to be running fine now. :)


i did a test and created another XR-1 Robot and set it to work and this time i placed a block on top of the compressor then pressed F5 to do a manual save before quitting the game, when i returned the robot was gone, so there is definitely something wrong with the saving system.

The first XR-1 i created in the first post, only a 10x12x1( approx) strip that was mined by the XR-1 survived the reload, but it was about 10 blocks away from the compressor, all the rest vanished

it appears there is a similar bug in play here, i had created 2 XR-1 robots and set them next to an Atomic Compressor left them to work and collect the materials etc, but i had to quit the game to see the online manual to b/c i couldn't remember how to make another compressor.

So i placed a blackrock-blue block on top of the compressor then hit ESC to quit which also saved the game, when i returned to the game after viewing the manual, the XR-1 robots were gone along with the massive 10x10 pits they had excavated, the materials in my inventory remained the same along changes i had made to the surrounding area, just the robots and their work areas had dissappeared, there was nothing in the compressor b/c the robots hadn't finished their cycle yet.

could this be a problem with the atomic compressor or should i use F5 to manual save first before quitting the game?

Blackvoxel V1.33 (Linux mint 16 Petra AMD64)

There is a problem with the Atomic Compression unit, i had

20 copper and iron bars
11 grey cast iron bars
1 base machine
1 amethyst
20 stainless steel bars

i was building them up to make the multi-purpose robot

and over 70 blackrock-white (from the blackrock-white area deep down, NOT the area with the water).

these are all gone, but the areas mined to get them have stayed the same.

It seemed to have started from the first time i added the blackrock-white voxels to the storage inventory, they don't disappear straight away, instead i have to quit the game and reload and the items are gone, but there does not appear to be a pattern or order on what items will disappear from storage.

Suggestions / Re: More user friendliness
« on: May 26, 2014, 09:03:38 pm »
ok, who's bright idea was it to add a key that sends voxels to kill you (F10 fear key), there's no way to cancel it, you have to start a new game again.  >:(

Suggestions / More user friendliness
« on: May 26, 2014, 02:36:19 pm »
I've just started playing the game for a day or so and find the game needs a few touches to make it more user friendly and more engaging for casual gamers.

Things such as

In the inventory menu there could be popup text to tell you what the selected block/item/ore is, atm i have to constantly quit the game and goto the user manual online to find out what it is.

Also popup text to say what was added to the base machine/furnace etc, at the start of the game we don't have the capability to make sequencers and conveyor belts yet, so we have to go by memory on what was added.

A map would be handy also, i have found my self getting lost quite a few times, especially when going from blue, white (the area with the water) then to the green areas ( lava pits bordering the insane black area).

an in-game manual, trying to memorise ore sequences for the furnace can be quite difficult at times and having to quit the game then go online to view the manual is pretty annoying at times.

A storage box, where users can store items that will still be there if they die, also a way to retrieve items lost on death, it's quite disheartening to build up alot of ores and tools only to loose them all if you fall down a hole or get killed by those smiley faces.

 just a few thoughts.

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: Linux Mint install issues.
« on: May 23, 2014, 04:18:43 pm »
i am also having trouble installing Blackvoxel on Mint 16, i have tried both the 12.04 and 14.04 versions to no avail, it appears that libglew1.6 was removed from the ubuntu repositories in 2012, the current version of libglew is libglew1.8, but the game explicitly requires libglew1.6

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