Blackvoxel > Suggestions
Website css
I have experimented some difficulties, because my computer is not powerful enough to sustain the game fullscreen and the browser at the same time. I have to exit the game to read the help.
I rather print the help to get on-game help (I know not a good practice !).
If the following code is added to /look/css/default.css , the unnecessary context menu would not get printed any more.
--- Code: ---@media print {
li.rightcolumn { display:none; }
div.plotvente { display : none; }
div.mdbox_02 { display : none; }
div.footerlinks { display : none ; }
/* remove space for non-visible page header */
ol.tabmenu { display:none; }
div.contentpagetitle { display :none;}
/* Use all the available space on page */
li.middlecolumnwide { width : 100% ; }
--- End code ---
see for more informations.
Possibly, setting the width of li.middlecolumnwide may not be a good idea.
Hello MUY_Belgium and welcome to the Blackvoxel forum :)
Tank you for this useful suggestion.
Thats done !
If your computer have modest hardware, don't forget to take a look at our optimization tutorial :
In particular, in the Settings_Hardware.dat file, two fields can have a tremendous effect : RenderingDistance_Horizontal and RenderingDistance_Vertical.
By lowering the values on these two fields, we managed to run Blackvoxel on a monocore atom netbook with only 1gig Ram(and GNU/Linux).
The Blackvoxel Team
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