Blackvoxel > Suggestions

Change pictures format

(1/2) > >>

Actual pictures are stored with the format Bitmap (.bmp). If it was some compressed format as .png files, it would lose more than 120 Mo of weight (133 Mo to >= 10 Mo ).

Maybe should we change the engine for it accepts .png formats ?

What is "Mo of weight"?
What is "Mo to"?

Sry : Mo = MegaOctet, the french for MegaBit. So change Mo into Mb ^^

Don't you mean byte instead of bit, and Mb instead of MB? One byte is 8 bits on modern computers...
And I doubt a single screenshot can be 133 MB even if it's a .bmp. Is that a whole folder of screenshots or is your screen resolution over 10 000 x 10 000?
Is "to >=" supposed to be "=>" an arrow? Or do you mean that 133 MB is larger or equal to 10 MB?

Qon : you didn't understand : the texture folder (that contains all the textures) has actually a weight of 140 Mb. One picture actually weighs about 1 Mb.
Bitmap is an uncompressed picture format.
With a compressed format, pictures would lose more than ten times of their actual weight.


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