Blackvoxel > Suggestions



I want FOV options. I normally only play 3D first person games if I can play with a vertical FOV angle of at least 130. This game isn't very action oriented and I spend most of my time in my text editor writing code, but I think it's time we got a setting for this in the game now.

If you make a slider then please show the numbers also so that I know what setting I choose.


--- Quote from: Qon on July 07, 2015, 05:29:37 pm ---I want FOV options. I normally only play 3D first person games if I can play with a vertical FOV angle of at least 130. This game isn't very action oriented and I spend most of my time in my text editor writing code, but I think it's time we got a setting for this in the game now.

If you make a slider then please show the numbers also so that I know what setting I choose.

--- End quote ---

Thanks for this suggestion.

We think it is a good idea to add this setting.

We added it to the "Todo" list.

The Blackvoxel Team


Some people say it's easy to make a FOV effect with C++. Minetest actually did it, so maybe you could try to adapt this t BlackVoxel.

I didn't already looked for it so I'll just give you this link  ;) :


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