Author Topic: Contrib & Assembler & legacy projects  (Read 11369 times)


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Contrib & Assembler & legacy projects
« on: January 08, 2015, 07:55:40 pm »
it's a 0 not a O ... :)  0:)  :O


Looking forward to assembly...

Omega - (dos box)

c-robots (programming guide)

basically a C syntax... with a limited internal library of 'clib' functions... like
turn(), scan(), ...

My automaton game (bugbrain)  (in zip is 16 bit installer, won't work in 64bit systems)
would add input nodes that are graphic images (chips... actually a chip would be a modular thing, with multiple pinouts on it... an input/output node is more like a pin on a chip/module.... )
Needs a way to register inputs and outputs...
(repackaged as a single zip)

 crobots, omega etc, do active scan... so you have to have a run-loop

bugbrain would be more like a event input... which is more suitable for a ladder-logic sort of language... or PAL language ..

or... FPGA programming (Field-programmable_gate_array) ... but I forget the syntax... and cannot find a good example... It's more like parallel state machines... so a machine has a state, and in a state, when it receives inputs it can generate output and/or change states...

inputs are generally logic signals (read/write BUS line for instance) ... but could be multiple in parallel so (this set of pins is 8 bits) is a address... that can be used to reference lookup tables for outputs...

« Last Edit: January 08, 2015, 08:44:39 pm by d3x0r »


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Re: Contrib & Assembler & legacy projects
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2015, 08:46:36 pm »
I don't remember if I mentioned Alice...

And microsoft has another model...  but that's dead long time... but it's .NET and sorta works... so it's got some longevity maybe


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Re: Contrib & Assembler & legacy projects
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2015, 12:33:11 am »
FPLA programming with high level languages.
there are lots of registers available.  A register is a single bit, it can be used just like any input or output bit.

Every node fires at a clock and can process...

 Reg1 = Input1
all logical operators .... & | + - * / > < = .... get supported... with carry and overflow able to be redirected to other registers/outputs..

When used on a BUS controller to communicate data between a PC and Modcomp computer, the chips had states.. basically a set of bits that are known internal registers get set to a known state on reset,

I would think though that a input/output/register (sh/c)ould be an analog value instead... which allows more operators like sin/cos/square wave pulse generator functions... which can be done at a digitial level also... a single register in a FPLA could be toggled and provide a /2 clock for some other function... shifting a value through several registers can provide delay-line short of character... by single clocks (not really recommended... since all states process at once, ended up isolating logics but... )

This is a more modern thing, and I can see benefit in learning this instead... it's a decade ahead of altera chips
there's examples....
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 01:03:58 am by d3x0r »


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Re: Contrib & Assembler & legacy projects
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2015, 03:35:32 am »
Hello d3x0r,

Glad to see you, and sorry for the mistake on your pseudo.  :-\

Thanks for all these very interesting examples and games. As you know, we like automaton. The Bug brain program seem very interesting.

This world of automaton is fascinating and there is an infinite number of way to explore ...

Yes, in the future, maybe we could dream about some kinds of programmable logic robot or an IA robot.

You talked to us about Alice on a post, that's a very interesting project with cool features.

FPLA programming with high level languages.
there are lots of registers available.  A register is a single bit, it can be used just like any input or output bit.

Every node fires at a clock and can process...

 Reg1 = Input1

all logical operators .... & | + - * / > < = .... get supported... with carry and overflow able to be redirected to other registers/outputs..

We understand what you mean. Long ago, on Amiga, I have made a very little logic door simulator. It was very basic and lacked graphic interface, but I remember it was very fun.

For assembly language, we have added a little basic syntactic parser (z/ZParser.h) to Blackvoxel. So it will be simpler to handle parsing of some languages.

I would think though that a input/output/register (sh/c)ould be an analog value instead... which allows more operators like sin/cos/square wave pulse generator functions... which can be done at a digitial level also...

This remember me the "fuzzy logic" concept. That's powerful.

So, very interesting thoughts.  :)

The Blackvoxel Team