Blackvoxel > Announcements

Blackvoxel is now on GitHub !

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--- Quote from: RobertThomas on March 04, 2019, 03:50:30 pm ---Thanks for the release of the source code. Can I use some of the code snippets in my project?

--- End quote ---

Hello RobertThomas and welcome to the Blackvoxel Forum ;)

The answer is fixed by the GPL V3+ Free Software Licence.

To make it simple, it depends if your project is Free Software.

If you want to re-use some Blackvoxel code for a proprietary software, the answer is No. It's not permitted at all. It would be a licence infringement.

If you want to re-use Blackvoxel code in a free software with Free Software Licence, the answer is Yes. In this case, you'll have to fully comply with GPL V3+ licence (your licence must be compatible), and make citation of the source of the Blackvoxel project and it's copyright owners (authors and contributors).

Simple conclusion : Free Software projects are welcome, others are not.

In the hope we have answered to your questions.

The Blackvoxel Team


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