Blackvoxel > Announcements

Blackvoxel is now a free software !

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Blackvoxel is now a free software.

We said at game launch that one day, Blackvoxel will become a free software.

This day is now!

So, the full and complete Blackvoxel game is now released entirely under the GNU GPL V3 free software licence.

This mean you can now get the game freely, source and executables.

Blackvoxel is a recent game but we released it early to free software because the educational nature of this game for learning programming requires a free open source distribution.

We also hope that the community will appreciate our efforts. We would like the community to be actively involved in this project.

This game cost us years of efforts and works. In return, we count to the community for financial support to continue active development.

You can now download the new release 1.32 of Blackvoxel.

Thank you for your interest and your contribution!

The Blackvoxel Team

This is awesome :>
Hope the community will grow faster now and that you get lots of donations!

Hi Qon,

Glad to see you.

Thanks a lot for all your support and encouragement !

We are also working on opening a Github repository.

The Blackvoxel Team

 A year ago I saw this game on a list of games similar to Minecraft, I don't have any money to spend on games, and I was disappointed that it costed money, and now that its free I'm really happy. If I ever do get some money I might even donate some to help you out. I am sure that now it is free, many more people will join the community. Including me.  :P


--- Quote from: olive on June 04, 2014, 09:58:44 pm ---Hi Qon,

Glad to see you.

Thanks a lot for all your support and encouragement !

We are also working on opening a Github repository.

The Blackvoxel Team

--- End quote ---

Might i suggest a launchpad ppa for ubuntu/debian/mint users as this would help greatly when releasing new versions of the game, all the user simply has to do is use

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade in a terminal

or for those new to linux, their update notifier (most distros have them installed by default) will alert them to the new game version and allow the user to download the update direct from the ppa without having to navigate to the blackvoxel site to get it.


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