Blackvoxel > Troubleshooting & Bug Reports
I can't purchase the game.
I just tried to purchase the game, but any time I go to paypal it's in French, which I understand is your native language, but I don't understand any of it. However I used a translater to try and find out where to put what information, but then it says I can't use my card even though I haven't had any issues before. I think it's somthing to do with it trying to put Euros on my card without converting them over to US Dollars. I would love to perchase this game, but I can't. Please help.
Hi Shade53,
You are the first one we reported such a problem with Paypal. We will look at the issue and will keep you informed.
The Blackvoxel Team
Hi Shade53,
See your mail box.
The Blackvoxel Team
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