Author Topic: Is Vista supported?  (Read 13145 times)


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Is Vista supported?
« on: January 30, 2014, 07:10:39 pm »
Does Blackvoxel run under Windows Vista? All I could find is that it runs under Windows XP, 7, 8 / Ubuntu 12.04. I didn't see Vista listed and don't want to assume that it would work (even though XP and 7 are listed).

Couldn't find system requirements either. Do you have these?

Really interested in the game, but don't want to purchase if it won't run!



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Re: Is Vista supported?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2014, 11:06:45 pm »
Does Blackvoxel run under Windows Vista? All I could find is that it runs under Windows XP, 7, 8 / Ubuntu 12.04. I didn't see Vista listed and don't want to assume that it would work (even though XP and 7 are listed).

Couldn't find system requirements either. Do you have these?

Really interested in the game, but don't want to purchase if it won't run!


Hi ctirpak,

Vista isn't listed in the officialy supported operating systems for Blackvoxel.

That doesn't mean that Blackvoxel is incompatible with Vista. Only that the compatibility status with this OS is currently unknown.

Because we doesn't have a computer running under Windows Vista, we can't run the compatibility tests to validate the compatibility with this operating system.

In theory, we believe it should run. But of course, we can't give you any garantee without having tested ourself.

As we are interested to know, if you want to buy the game, we can do an exception for you: if it doesn't work on your Windows Vista, we'll accept to cancel your purchase and refund you.

About the system requirement, it's strongly recommanded to have at least a Core 2 duo processor, 4gb of RAM and a nvidia 9800gt (or equivalent supporting OpenGL) graphic accelerator for running the actual version of Blackvoxel (and of course, some space on your hard disk).

We already managed to run Blackvoxel on some computers which are below this minimum configuration with the use of some settings. But that will be always difficult to fix a limit because the point where the game would be too slow to be played can vary significantly depending on computer.

The Blackvoxel Team


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Re: Is Vista supported?
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2014, 11:22:25 pm »
Thanks for the quick response. I will give it a try, and appreciate the offer of a refund if I can't get it to work.

I will let you know the results over the weekend.




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Re: Is Vista supported?
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2014, 12:08:05 am »
Thanks for the quick response. I will give it a try, and appreciate the offer of a refund if I can't get it to work.

I will let you know the results over the weekend.



Thank you for your confidence.

Keep us informed.

The Blackvoxel Team