Blackvoxel > Programming with Blackvoxel
Include file for saving variables for v1.22b3
Updated the "include" file for saving variables to use the new features in v1.22b3.
All the variables that needs to be saved must be stored in a global table. The name of the table does not matter.
SaveVar.nut" now goes into the Universes\nr\Scripts\Squirrel\ directory.
--- Code: ---// SaveVar.nut
SaveName <- null;
function MakeSaveName()
if (GetPath(4)!=-1) {
SaveName = format("",GetPath(4),GetInfo(20),GetInfo(22),GetRobotID());
} else {
throw "Needs to be called from Voxel_Step()";
function Dump(var)
local i,v;
local s="";
if (typeof var=="null") {
s = "null";
} else if (typeof var=="string") {
s = "\""+var+"\"";
} else if (typeof var=="array") {
s = "[";
foreach (v in var) {
s += Dump(v)+",";
s += "]";
} else if (typeof var=="table") {
s = "{";
foreach (i,v in var) {
if (typeof i=="integer") {
s += "["+i+"]="+Dump(v)+",";
} else {
s += i+"="+Dump(v)+",";
s += "}";
} else { // integer bool ??
s = var+"";
return s;
function SaveVar(varname)
local c,s;
if (SaveName == null)
throw "Need to call LoadVar() or MakeSaveName() from Voxel_Step() before calling SaveVar()";
if (varname in getroottable() && typeof varname="string") {
if (typeof (getroottable()[varname])=="table") {
foreach (i,v in getroottable()[varname]) {
if (typeof i=="integer") {
s += "::"+varname+"["+i+"]<-"+Dump(v)+";\n";
} else {
s += "::"+varname+"."+i+"<-"+Dump(v)+";\n";
} else {
s = "::"+varname+"<-"+Dump(getroottable()[varname])+";\n";
c = compilestring(s);
function LoadVar()
if (SaveName==null)
try {
} catch(e) {
return false;
/* Remove comment to have the save file removed on load
try {
} catch(e) {}
return true;
--- End code ---
result = LoadVar()
Loads the vars for this script. Must be called from Voxel_Step since the GetPath and GetInfo is not available in Voxel_Load.
Result is true if there where variables loaded, otherwise false.
SaveVar( tablename )
Save the variables in the global table named tablename. tablename is the name of the table, not the table it self.
You need to call LoadVar() or MakeSaveName() from Voxel_Step before a call to SaveVar() can be made in Voxel_Unload.
Ex: SaveVar("Persistent");
The variables are stored as in a compiled Squirrel script in Universes\nr\Scripts\UserData directory.
Example script that uses SaveVar.nut for saving and loading variables
--- Code: ---NeedInit <- true;
//global table with the variables that the script needs to be saved and reloaded
Persistent <- {
StartX = 0, // The X pos we started at
StartZ = 0, // The Z pos we started at
BlockType = 0, // The type of Block we are on top of
function Voxel_Unload()
// Save Variables
SaveVar("Persistent"); // Important, use the name of the global table, not the table it self.
function Voxel_Step()
// Load our variables if needed
if (NeedInit)
NeedInit = false; // Need to take care of the Init our self now
// Include SaveVar.nut
// Load our variables
// Do stuff
Display("StartX="+Persistent.StartX+" StartZ="+Persistent.StartZ+" BlockType="+Persistent.BlockType, 2000, 4, 1000);
--- End code ---
Updated to take advantage of V1.22b4.
"SaveVar.nut" goes into the Universes\nr\Scripts\Squirrel\ directory.
--- Code: ---// SaveVar.nut
SaveName <- null;
function MakeSaveName()
if (GetPath(4)!=-1) {
SaveName = format("",GetPath(4),GetInfo(20),GetInfo(22),GetRobotID());
} else {
throw "Needs to be called from Voxel_Step()";
function Dump(var)
local i,v;
local s="";
if (typeof var=="null") {
s = "null";
} else if (typeof var=="string") {
s = "\""+var+"\"";
} else if (typeof var=="array") {
s = "[";
foreach (v in var) {
s += Dump(v)+",";
s += "]";
} else if (typeof var=="table") {
s = "{";
foreach (i,v in var) {
if (typeof i=="integer") {
s += "["+i+"]="+Dump(v)+",";
} else {
s += i+"="+Dump(v)+",";
s += "}";
} else { // integer bool ??
s = var+"";
return s;
function SaveVar(varname)
local c,s;
if (SaveName == null)
if (varname in getroottable() && typeof varname="string") {
if (typeof (getroottable()[varname])=="table") {
foreach (i,v in getroottable()[varname]) {
if (typeof i=="integer") {
s += "::"+varname+"["+i+"]<-"+Dump(v)+";\n";
} else {
s += "::"+varname+"."+i+"<-"+Dump(v)+";\n";
} else {
s = "::"+varname+"<-"+Dump(getroottable()[varname])+";\n";
c = compilestring(s);
function LoadVar()
if (SaveName==null)
try {
} catch(e) {
return false;
/* Remove comment to have the save file removed on load
try {
} catch(e) {}
return true;
--- End code ---
result = LoadVar()
Loads the vars for this script. Put it in Voxel_Load.
Result is true if there where variables loaded, otherwise false.
SaveVar( tablename )
Save the variables in the global table named tablename. tablename is the name of the table, not the table it self.
Ex: SaveVar("Persistent");
The variables are stored in as a compiled Squirrel script in Universes\nr\Scripts\UserData directory.
And the example.
--- Code: ---//global table with the variables that the script needs to be saved and reloaded
Persistent <- {
StartX = 0, // The X pos we started at
StartZ = 0, // The Z pos we started at
BlockType = 0, // The type of Block we are on top of
function Voxel_Load()
// Include SaveVar.nut
// Load our variables
function Voxel_Unload()
// Save Variables
SaveVar("Persistent"); // Important, use the name of the global table, not the table it self.
function Voxel_Step()
// Do stuff
Display("StartX="+Persistent.StartX+" StartZ="+Persistent.StartZ+" BlockType="+Persistent.BlockType, 2000, 4, 1000);
--- End code ---
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