Hi Enigma! :>
- Added : New Egmy (Not yet activated).
- Fixed : Programmable Robot : Redone some init/load/save code.
- Fixed : Programming : Access to libraries (iolib...) wasn't working.
Error: Egmy not defined. Egmy was not found in diqtionary or acronym list.
What is an Egmy? :Q
What was fixed with init/load/save qode and in what way was access to libraries fixed for programming? There are no funqtions that deal with iolib that were exposed before or now. I'm qonfused.
Yep, Egmy isn't in dictionnary

So they should add it

The Squirrel iolib is a set of squirrel optional functionalities required to access files in programs.
This is part of what the Squirrel author named "Squirrel Standard Library".
So, to explain clearly what it's mean, in 1.22 you can write such kind of code for saving data into files.
local fh = file("test.txt","wb+");
fh.writen('N', 'b');
The Blackvoxel Team