Blackvoxel > Announcements

Blackvoxel 1.22 Beta is out.



A new version of Blackvoxel is available!

Important Warning : It's a beta version. Save your universes before testing.

List of main changes : Version 1.22 Beta 1

* Added : A new application log system.
* Added : The RTFM voxel.
* Fixed : Little memory loss.
* Added : New Egmy (Not yet activated).
* Fixed : Aspect ratio problem with Eyefinity/Multiscreen and non standard screens.

* Added manual setting Opt_SectCFactor in the Settings_Hardware.dat to
change one of the sector rendering optimisation agressiveness.
* Changed : Removed voxel_input interface flag from XR robots to prevent extraction robots to see containers in other extraction robots.
* Added : voxel_output interface to XR robots so content can be emptied by some means. XR robots can be emptied using other voxel mechanism. When they are empty, they restore to their original state and can be collected again.
* Fixed : Programmable Robot : Redone some init/load/save code.
* Fixed : Programmable robot : Added stdout flush after print command.
* Fixed : Programmable robot voxel_input and voxel_output wasn't worked as intended.
* Fixed : XR Extraction Robots hanged when no storage was found. Now search for new storage.
* Fixed : programming : Voxel_Load and Voxel_Unload was buggy.
* Fixed : Programming : Access to libraries (iolib...) wasn't working.
* Added : Programming : bool PlaceVoxel3D(int x,int y, int z, int VoxelType) function.
* Added : Programming : bool PickVoxel3D(int x, int y, int z) function.
* Added : Programming : int Look3D(int x, int y, int z) function.
* Added : Programming : bool MoveVoxel3D(int sx, int sy, int sz, int dx, int dy, int dz) function.
* Added : Programming : var GetInfo(int InfoNum) function (Infonum=0..16).
* Added : Programming : var GetInfoName(int InfoNum) function (Infonum=0..16).
* Fixed : Programming : GetX(),GetY(), GetZ() get the right voxel location after Move() is called.
* Fixed : Programming : PlaceVoxel() function. Voxel in a slot didn't disappeared when quantity reached 0.
* Fixed : Programming : GetGameTime() function returned a negative number. Now return the number of millisecond since the start of the game.
* Fixed : Added support for new BMP variant format used by recent version of gimp.
* Fixed : Silicon Wafer manufacturing list now include the needed blackrock blue.
* Fixed : Minor problem in the player save file.
The Blackvoxel Team

Hi Enigma! :>

--- Quote from: Enigma on October 23, 2013, 01:37:20 am ---
* Added : New Egmy (Not yet activated).
* Fixed : Programmable Robot : Redone some init/load/save code.
* Fixed : Programming : Access to libraries (iolib...) wasn't working.
--- End quote ---
Error: Egmy not defined. Egmy was not found in diqtionary or acronym list.
What is an Egmy? :Q

What was fixed with init/load/save qode and in what way was access to libraries fixed for programming? There are no funqtions that deal with iolib that were exposed before or now. I'm qonfused.


--- Quote from: Qon on October 23, 2013, 08:39:12 am ---Hi Enigma! :>

--- Quote from: Enigma on October 23, 2013, 01:37:20 am ---
* Added : New Egmy (Not yet activated).
* Fixed : Programmable Robot : Redone some init/load/save code.
* Fixed : Programming : Access to libraries (iolib...) wasn't working.
--- End quote ---
Error: Egmy not defined. Egmy was not found in diqtionary or acronym list.
What is an Egmy? :Q

What was fixed with init/load/save qode and in what way was access to libraries fixed for programming? There are no funqtions that deal with iolib that were exposed before or now. I'm qonfused.

--- End quote ---

Yep, Egmy isn't in dictionnary :o So they should add it  :P

The Squirrel iolib is a set of squirrel optional functionalities required to access files in programs.

This is part of what the Squirrel author named "Squirrel Standard Library".

So, to explain clearly what it's mean, in 1.22 you can write such kind of code for saving data into files.

--- Code: ---local fh = file("test.txt","wb+");
fh.writen('N', 'b');
--- End code ---

The Blackvoxel Team

Oh thank you!
I didn't notice the standard lib manual until now. I was searching through the language specification before q:
And math functions also!


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