Just posted for reference; going to start some smaller projects, next one's the editor. I created like 50 lines with "some server name here" "player 0/3" "Ping 333" and that meshed and rendered quickly.
I want to move away from flat GUI tech; because it's VR/3D unfriendly... and tinkering with that I guess I coudl just voxelize the words and move the camera up/down to get a list...
Need to work on inventory/hotbar stuff for editor... and then browsers don't really have localStorage either so some sort of server to save changed sectors....
I'll fix the demo name before all of that. Kinda soon...
three.js is a good inbetween; it handles meshes, computed min/max volume automatically and keeps objects in a scene so it can do full-sector sort of clipping; each object is one mesh; which is basically a few call lists (solid, transparent and custom) so that fits pretty good... was even able to leverage some normal map effects etc on the texture in addition to glow... I render the face flat without glow, and render the edges to a glow buffer to apply a blur/extend of the bright edges. I was trying to get very clever and render to a offscreen render target (like the glow is done), with a depth buffer, so I can clip the depth of the glow (without rendering the faces, the are transparent, so glow lines show up from the back... need to maybe just turn on one sided rendering too (kinda defaults to lazy mode)
Was thinking it might be a neat demo to do an old computer's boot (timex sinclair maybe?) that becomes like the intro level with the text as voxels on a background layer... maybe make it curved the the monitor

(probably wouldn't work out well)
Beyond that there's issues to tackle like WebAudio, and physics... Ammo.js is a port of bullet physics for instance (kinda overkill) there's another engine Cannon.js that's really popular, but its default objects are too.. squishy; they behave more like sponges than solid things... there's anther small engine (some 300k) called Oimo which has more rigidity; but also causes shapes to pop more on even small penetrations...
Not expecting anything from anyone, just posting information; and I know noone does javascript; Who would do Javascript? that's a web script kiddy language! Ya... well, it has evolved over 20 years and is actually more usable than java. There's Node.JS which is a console-based runner for javascript; it's fairily easy to write hooks to create c++ objects from javascript using Node.JS modules you can just hook native code, which could include opening an SDL window and everything else that is Blackvoxel *shrug* I wrote some modules that node.js could use to create frames using my library (SACK - sack.sf.net)
I also write a script language processor called dekware ( dekware.sf.net ) which was utterly simple; but conceptually can be refit to be native javascript and use javascript as the language with some extensions and instead of being some class of object itself.. I dunno I think I can get the object persistance to work in a distributed platform between multiple clusters of server nodes even but that's a entirely different project