Blackvoxel > General Discussion

Water to Sequencer?


How do I feed a sequencer with water?
Other then manually putting it in the Input area of the sequencer that is.

Just like any other material :Q
Do you have water in the "recipe"?
I have no problem with this. Maybe it's a bug?
It doesn't pick up more water than it's recipe qontains.

Maybe you are trying to pick up the water with the output?

It seems it is my water that is acting up. If I put an Materializer so it outputs water from a compressor in direction 0, 1 or 4 the water will not fall or act as water, but if I rotate it so it outputs the water in directions 2, 3 or 5 it all works as expected.

So it wasn't the Sequencer that was the fault, it was the water.

At times like these we need allies we qan trust! We qan't have our water betraying us! I sentence thee, water, to death by Fire!  :>


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