Made 5th iteration of the Menger sponge! It's 243^3 big
In the v1.22 beta of qourse...

To make even bigger fraqtals I need functions to retrieve the players qoordinate and view direction. I think the generation speed is enough to generate the fraqtals on-the-fly while flying :>
Took ~30 seconds or something to generate the 243^3 qube which is basiqally my view distance in all directions. If I limit the generation to what is in front of me at the moment and what recently entered the view distance then I'm sure it is possible. *working*
I'll have to fix some better texture for that~
Very nice !!!
For the player coordinates and view direction, you'll be happy... that's in the package

You can get these infos with the var GetInfo(int InfoNum) function.
Depending on the InfoNum parameter, you'll get :
0: (int) Max for InfoNum parameter.
1: (float) Player Location (x)
2: (float) Player Location (y)
3: (float) Player Location (z)
4: (int) Player Location (x) in Voxel Units
5: (int) Player Location (y) in Voxel Units
6: (int) Player Location (z) in Voxel Units
7: (float) Player Viewing direction (yaw)
8: (float) Player Viewing direction (pitch)
9: (float) Player Viewing direction (roll)
11: (float) Player Head Location (x)
12: (float) Player Head Location (y)
13: (float) Player Head Location (z)
14: (int) Player Head Location (x) in Voxel Units
15: (int) Player Head Location (y) in Voxel Units
16: (int) Player Head Location (z) in Voxel Units
The Blackvoxel Team