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Messages - Qon

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Programming with Blackvoxel / Re: Complex Mining Robot Restarter
« on: October 16, 2013, 07:52:03 pm »
This is a script that is build on Qon's Simple Mining Robot Restarter.
I'm honoured to be mentioned when 0% of my qode is left ;)
Code: [Select]
// ============= DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS ===========
How am I supposed to fix it now? :3
Looks nice. Your qode is neat and organized. More than I'm used too, heh heh.

I'll test it when I'm home... I have high expectations for this.

Gallery / Re: Qons gallery
« on: October 16, 2013, 02:53:34 pm »
I've improved the design so it uses less qonveyor belts and is more user and mass produqtion friendly but it's harder to portray in sqreenshots. I'll upload images when I get home.

In the sqreensots above:
There's only a single track below. The first water reaches the molten metal that is qlosest to the source first. It is then picked up by the selective mover above instantly and the water behind is free to flow to the next molten block, and so on.

And yes I use a blackrock as a signal and a selective mover as a material flow splitter so that I qan make sure that water is applied only after all the molten metal is mixed.

The new design (sqreenshots qoming later):
Instead of qollecting the molten metal on expensive qonveyor belts and selective movers I qollect it in a hole in the ground. The same thing with water in a different hole that is qonnected to the metal hole with a small 1 voxel passage that qonnects the 2 so that only the molten metal furthest down may qome in qontact with water. Both metal and water flows down without any need for special blocks so this is a better design. Once a block is qooled it is transported away from the hot molten metal pot with a selective mover. Once out of the pot it qan be qollected one by one by a dematerializer.

So I eliminated the need for 9 dematerializers and 9 qonveyor belts. (I still use qonveyor belts right now to qollect the finished steel beqause I don't have dematerializers but it's not necessary)
1 belt is used in the bottom of the metal pot to enable flow on a small piece of the ground that must be flat to make sure that only the molten metal in qontact with the seleqtive mover qan qome in qontact with water.

Using qonveyor belts to transport water seems to be somewhat unreliable? The old design worked every time I tested it but still...

Programming with Blackvoxel / Re: Simple mining bot restarter
« on: October 16, 2013, 01:26:31 pm »
I don't think that the sqript is too powerful. There's always going to be ways to gain unlimited supplies with qode that is good enough. The problem is that the XR2 qosts too much and isn't good enough. I haven't even tried it though (beqause I knew that a qomputer would be the most important item no matter how good a mining bot is and it qosts the same~ as the XR2). The XRZ doesn't have a recipe so ofq it isn't balanced yet :) And it will probably be implemented eventually, but the tech tree needs to grow a lot more before it qam fit in. We don't have the XR3-5 yet so it's kinda far off!

And my automated faqtory doesn't need any de/materializers at all ;) I will post it once it is qomplete.

I love your (qall it whatever you want xD) mining sqript and you get plenty of material with a single qompressor.
Though you changed
Code: [Select]
for(local q=0; q<4; q++){/*PickVoxel(q);*/PlaceVoxel(q, 153)}To something that takes 4 steps instead. Why? The way I write it doesnt even require you to check how many bots you have in your inventory. Your sqript might also break if the inventory qontains more than 4 bots. You qan Pick and place as much as you want to in a single step.
Isnt it simpler, faster and less bug prone to keep it the way it was?

I'd love to try your latest developments <3

Programming with Blackvoxel / Re: Simple mining bot restarter
« on: October 15, 2013, 09:59:18 pm »
So what if 1 qomputer voxel qan only handle 30 qompressors when using the XRZ? 30 * 4 * 80 = 9600
9600 / 1024 (the highest number you mentioned using with XR1 even though it was unpraqtical) = 9,375.
So even if you only have 10% as many XRZs as XR1s you still mine at a rate 10 times the amount. You don't even need to be able to have more than 1 qompressor if you use XRZs, you get more than enough in 0 time anyway...

And since when did it beqome your sqript? Wasn't it our sqript? :'(

I'm seriously beginning to think this script is to powerful. You may as well just cheat and add an infinite amount of those blocks into your inventory.
Says the guy who cheated to get 1024 (!) XRZs (!) when even 1 is enough to dig away all the voxels in the entire world. Then he qomplains that his 1024 array of them gives him enough material. q:

The diffiqulty or appeal in BlackVoxel isn't about material qollection. You've missed the point of the game entirely. The game IS automation and programming. When you were writing the qode you were playing the game. And while it might not be inqredibly diffiqult for someone who is used to programming it doesn't matter beqause it is fun!

When high tier items are added to the game then you'll notice that you will need that array of robots to afford stuff. The growth of material needed and the qomplexity is exponential and the plane and qomputer qosts 100 or 1000 times more than the XR1. When you need 1 000 000 of voxels to get the next tier of sequencers you'll stop saying that programming is cheating in a programming game ;)

Suggestions / Re: Machine Interface
« on: October 15, 2013, 05:40:21 pm »
I haven't felt the need for this so while I agree that something like this would be nice, maybe this qould be left as it is for now. But I haven't built a lot of automated qrafting stations so maybe I'm not the most experienced person in this field. My opinion stands though, if it doesn't qause a lot of problems now then this qould be polished when there's more features and objects to deal with. We need things that attract more players to the game.
This should be implemented when the alpha/beta status is dropped.

Suggestions / Re: More Vehicles
« on: October 15, 2013, 03:48:49 am »
Gaaaahh!! Awesome overload! Yes please ;) to everything you mentioned

Gallery / Re: Qons gallery
« on: October 15, 2013, 02:48:36 am »

Just a proof of qoncept stainless steel faqtory that qools the alloys with water. It isn't built to be useful, just to prove that it works. To qomplete it the selective movers that are above the qonveyor belts (and under the steel in the 3 last piqtures) qould push the steel to the side instead with another set of qonveyor belts that moved the steel to a dematerializer or the water qould simly be applied at the end of the sequence. Or another solution...

I had to build my first qonveyor belts and stuff to make this q: I wasn't gonna do that until my auto faqtory was qomplete but some saqrifices has to be made to help the qommunity ;)

If you need more qlues how it works just ask and I'll show better sqreenshots and explain it better.

Programming with Blackvoxel / Re: Simple mining bot restarter
« on: October 15, 2013, 02:37:34 am »
How qan it be too fast? The XRZ takes like 2 mining and 2 min pushing to storage. That is 4 minutes that the qomputer have to pull material and restart the mining bot 64 blocks down. It's only 16 blocks to the next qompressor and the qomputer moves at speed that is decent enough for this, right? Also the qmoputer voxel qan pull all 64 000 voxels from the storage qompressor in 1 frame so it has 4 whole minutes to restart and move to the next. The XRZ is like 80 times (!) as fast as the XR1 so even if it qant qeep up with as many XRZs as XR1s it isn't really a problem, right?

Programming with Blackvoxel / Re: Simple mining bot restarter
« on: October 15, 2013, 01:06:17 am »
That is awesome! When is it ready for release? :D

Have you tried it with the XRZ? xD

Suggestions / Re: More Vehicles
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:55:20 am »
I haven't tried the plane yet, I want to make it with my auto faqtory. I'm not qrafting anything until it's done. I'll get it when I deserve it q:

Nothing is qostly when you have our amazing mining sqript :) I have aluminium for 10 planes or so I believe.

Gallery / Re: Pictures of my work area
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:50:50 am »
Sure you qan, just let them all touch each other before you water them.

Suggestions / Re: Metalurgy
« on: October 14, 2013, 10:32:37 pm »
Sounds really good olive!

@Toupie Doesn't a sequencer achieve that already?

Suggestions / Re: The Sequencer
« on: October 14, 2013, 10:29:19 pm »
Instead of just nerfing the sequencer it qould be split in a high and low tier version so that those who need a sequencer with the properties it has now qould make one. It would also qreate a bigger tech tree so that you qan keep improving your qreations after you have built the items that are in the game no.  8)

Suggestions / Re: More Vehicles
« on: October 14, 2013, 10:25:30 pm »
A qar is a qonfirmed WIP :)

A high speed elevator would be nice. I guess I qould make a plane but it's kinda overkill for mineshaft travel and is a bit to qostly for those who have just begun.

Trains would also be nice but since they require a you to build a rail and are a bit static they need to be much cheaper. But I'm already planning a new sqript that builds a rail in front of your train so that you qan "fly" around endlessly with the train by having a qomputer that builds the rail in front of you as you go and optionally removes it behind you! I would really like that! The qomputer would have to be able to read keyboard input and/or view direction though.

The boat is kind of limited in it's usefulness since there isn't much water to travel in but if it's cheap then sure. That way you qould let the player try out a vehicle from the beginning. A small sample of what is possible to build in the game that makes the player wonder what else is possible in the game.

Gallery / Re: Pictures of my work area
« on: October 14, 2013, 10:05:52 pm »
And what if it takes time? If you let it work qonstantly while mining and building other things then you will have more stainless steel than you need when you need it :)

My faqtory on the other hand requires water since it only qreates the metal bars when they are needed as material. Well mine wasn't built for speed q: If I needed that then I would've built something like yours beqause it would still be faster since it works on several things at the same time!

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