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Messages - Qon

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Suggestions / Re: Extended voxel interface
« on: October 21, 2013, 05:44:12 pm »
...and a quantity to push. Otherwise the simulation will freeze when you move around items with quantity 0xffffffff  q:

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: The v1.21 bug report thread
« on: October 21, 2013, 01:51:34 am »
Same thing happened when I started the reaqtion by placing a smiley.
I tried to pick it up immediatly after placing it and succeeded but sometimes my inventory qount didn't go up.

General Discussion / The tips & tricks thread.
« on: October 20, 2013, 05:00:33 pm »
I'll start with a few and then you are free to add more :)
  • Spawn a block on the edge or qorner of another block instead of a face and it will be placed edge-to-edge or qorner-to-qorner diagonally. A bit hard to aim right which is why it took so long to figure out for me q:
  • Killing the BV process or exiting the terminal window of BV will shut it down without saving the world or your character. The world will be partially autosaved when it is de-loaded when you move about 2 times the render distance which means that doing this and moving around might qause you to lose items or dupliqate them or saving changes you don't want. Back up your world folder :)
  • The plane qan't qrash at low engine speeds while starting and if you fall off an edge you will be able to aim up and down while in the air even at low speeds. This way you qan start in mining shafts or even a water elevator! If you never go full thrust you will be able to hover by aiming up and your qrash proteqtion will qontinue forever.
  • You qan stick to ceilings by holding down the jump key. If you go off the edge you will "jump" up high enough to grab another voxel ceiling +1 higher at most. You qan use this to travel in stairs faster if you qlimb under it than walk on it and a quick way to get up from deep underground is to just grab a ceiling and dig it away. If there's no voxel above to grab then you'll fall down again so be qareful.

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: The v1.21 bug report thread
« on: October 20, 2013, 02:22:03 pm »
I picked up some infeqted voxels and some smiley monsters and played a bit with them.
The infeqted voxels were kind of unprediqtable, sometimes (or some places where) when I spawned them they didn't affect nearby blocks and turned to red liquid almost immediatly. Other times they started spreading endlessly and it took a looong time before any of the blocks finally turned to red liquid. That didn't stop its spreading since it qontinued to spread many times faster than it turned into liquid. My whole world was infeqted. The whole blue enter qube and, the water and white blackrocks around it, all the green blocks and the lava around that and then the big tree forest. At that time only a few blocks in the center had turned into liquid and everything else as far as I qould see was orange.

Good thing I had a backup of my world :o

Suggestions / Re: More Vehicles
« on: October 20, 2013, 04:32:41 am »
It's really difficult to use a plane as an elevator considering the extremely long starting and landing area it needs.
I finally made the plane beqause I just had to try it out and it\s awesome! Qan definitly be used to get out of mining shafts quickly. I qan take off from a 2x1 area easily (the trick is to fall) and I've landed on a 16x16 area. Hardqore training for skill landings in progress.

Programming with Blackvoxel / Re: Simple mining bot restarter
« on: October 19, 2013, 11:58:39 pm »
Code: [Select]
// Pause dynamiq voxel reaqtion engine!
function log(str) {
    //print(GetGameTime() + " " + str + "\n") //print doesnt work properly, use error instead
    error(GetGameTime() + " " + str + "\n")
function Voxel_Load() {}
function Voxel_Step() {
    log( "Qomputer @ " + GetX() + "," + GetY() + "," + GetZ() + " Look(5) " + Look(5))
    for(local q=0; q<50000000; ++q);
function Voxel_Unload() {}
Looks kinda qool when everything stops. It gives you time to fix stuff if some big chain reaction is almost going to kill you. with 50 Gcycles there's about a physics step/second. If I use more than that then the game qrashes when the qomputer is picked up or when you try to change the sqript it should exequte :/
Too bad beqause stopping time is a very qool ability. It works but it qrashes as soon as you restart the time and then it\s kinda pointless!

Programming with Blackvoxel / Re: Complex Mining Robot Restarter
« on: October 18, 2013, 07:33:34 pm »

96 XR1s (8x3). First large sqale testing of the sqript just begun!
I worked a little more on my auto faqtory and it's now good enough to make all the robots and qompressors, which is why I haven't been able to test until now and how I got that many without haxxing the save file :D
You definitely deserve a reward for this fabulous piece of qode! Only my faqtory is epiq enough as payment. It's not qomplete though and the parts that are in are somewhat buggy atm. I'll post a beta when it's doesn't qrash or destroy your stuff :)

Unlimited resources + automatiq faqtory that makes anything is a pretty good qombination ;)

Programming with Blackvoxel / Workaround for bugged GetX()
« on: October 17, 2013, 09:52:06 pm »
The GetX() functions aren't updated instantly when the qomputer moves in BV 1.21. This is a quick and easy workaround.
Qall move(direction), getX(), getY(), getZ() everywhere in your qode where you would otherwise have used Move(direction), GetX(), GetY(), GetZ().
They work exactly the same except that they aren't bugged q:
I haven't tested what happens if you give faulty values to Move() so you shouldn't either xD
Add this to your qode:
Code: [Select]
initP() as first line in Voxel_Step()!
Code: [Select]
p <- null
function vaddir(a, dir){
return vadd(a, [(dir==1?1:0)-(dir==3?1:0), (dir==4?1:0)-(dir==5?1:0), (dir==0?1:0)-(dir==2?1:0)])
function vadd(a, b) {
return [a[0]+b[0], a[1]+b[1], a[2]+b[2]]
function initP() {
p = [GetX(), GetY(), GetZ()]
function refreshP(dir) {
p = vaddir(p, dir)
function move(d){
return true
return false
function getX(){
return p[0]
function getY(){
return p[1]
function getZ(){
return p[2]
And don't put your qomputer on a qonveyor belt, then it will get out of sync :)

Programming with Blackvoxel / Re: Complex Mining Robot Restarter
« on: October 17, 2013, 09:18:54 pm »
Thanks you :)
It now successfully restarted the cyqle.
Now I need to build some more XR1s q:

General Discussion / Re: Water to Sequencer?
« on: October 17, 2013, 01:29:52 am »
At times like these we need allies we qan trust! We qan't have our water betraying us! I sentence thee, water, to death by Fire!  :>

General Discussion / Re: Water to Sequencer?
« on: October 17, 2013, 12:28:39 am »
Maybe you are trying to pick up the water with the output?

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: The v1.21 bug report thread
« on: October 16, 2013, 11:32:02 pm »
Qreated a new world to try some stuff out and gave myself 0xffff ffff of some items and 0xffff of some others and picking stuff up with my tool and with qomputers and maybe pushing and pulling voxels has qaused the qlient to qrash several times now. Have fun debugging ;)
Ask me about details if you need any. I don't really know why it qrashes though

Code: [Select]
Assertion failed: _gc_chain==NULL, file /home/laurent/workspace/blackvoxel/src/sc_Squirrel3/squirrel/sqstate.cpp, line 204

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

And another qrash (I might be pushing and pulling to/from empty space):
Code: [Select]
AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [indexing bool with string]

*FUNCTION [main()] C:\Users\Qon\Documents\Blackvoxel\Universes\2\Scripts\Squirrel\6.nut line [6]
*FUNCTION [qbits_save()] C:\Users\Qon\Documents\Blackvoxel\Universes\2\Scripts\Squirrel\6.nut line [14]
*FUNCTION [Voxel_Step()] C:\Users\Qon\Documents\Blackvoxel\Universes\2\Scripts\Squirrel\6.nut line [51]

[vargv] ARRAY
[this] true
[n] -117167720
[this] TABLE
[n] 0
[this] TABLE

I have no function qalled main and line 14 is
Code: [Select]
Also qompressors seems to dupliqate when I pick them with the qomputer and the items that I try to pull from the qompressor stays inside it. And when I place a qompressor again the items are still inside! :Q

It's entirely possible that I'm doing something odd... I'm a bit tired q:

Programming with Blackvoxel / Re: Complex Mining Robot Restarter
« on: October 16, 2013, 10:24:52 pm »
Bug report! :'(
The qomputer decides to disappear deep underground after resetting the mining bots after the first cycle.
Also you shouldn't rely on the GetX() Y, Z subroutines. They are bugged (read bug report thread for details).

Code: [Select]
Debug <- 2;           // Output debug info. 0=Only errors to stderr.txt 1=Errors to Display and to stderr.txt 2=Info and error to display and stderr.txt
SizeX <- 1;           // Number of compressor/robot sets to manage in X axis (8 is max practical value)
SizeZ <- 2;           // Number of compressor/robot sets to manage in Z axis (8 is max practical value)
UseMasterCompressor <- 1;  // Use one "master" Atomic Compressor to empty the computer to after every iteration. (Strongly recomended)
NewMasterAfter <- 192;// How often to place a new "Master" Atomic Compressor (Need to be <= 192. Make it an even 16 please, and anything less the 64 is a waste.)
BuildStairs <- 0;     // 0=Do not build stair, 1=Build Stair outside mining area, 2=Build stair inside mining area. (Only works if UseMasterCompressor is on)
MaxLevel <- -575;     // Don't place robots deeper then this. (Going below -1340 is dangerous)
Robot <- 153;         // The VoxelType of our robots. 153=XR-1(8*16*8) 154=XR-2(8*32*8) 155=XR-3(8*32*8) 156=XR-4(8*64*8) 157=XR-5(16*64*16) 158=XR-Z(16*64*16)
Compressor <- 49;     // The VoxelType of the Atomic Compressor (Should be 49 unless the game is changed)
Code: [Select]
Robot at 112,1,199 Info: Starting at compressor 0 X:112 Y:256000 Z:199 CurrentC:0
Robot at 112,1,199 Info: Waiting for Robots for set 0
Robot at 112,1,199 Info: Picking up Compressor for set 0
Robot at 111,1,215 Info: Waiting for Robots for set 1
Robot at 111,1,215 Info: Picking up Compressor for set 1
Robot at 112,-16,199 Info: Placing Robots for set 0
Robot at 112,-15,199 Info: Placing Compressor for set 0
Robot at 111,-16,215 Info: Placing Robots for set 1
Robot at 111,-15,215 Info: Placing Compressor for set 1

General Discussion / Re: Water to Sequencer?
« on: October 16, 2013, 09:53:14 pm »
Just like any other material :Q
Do you have water in the "recipe"?
I have no problem with this. Maybe it's a bug?
It doesn't pick up more water than it's recipe qontains.

Programming with Blackvoxel / Re: Stair building script
« on: October 16, 2013, 08:05:34 pm »
You probably spent a lot of time on this and I'm sure it's the ultimate stair building sqript.
Though my question is: "Do I really need the ultimate stairs? Why would I even use stairs at all?"

Maybe you should have some sqreenshots of some beautiful masterpieces to intrigue people?

Qan this thing build water elevators? Because that qould be quite useful. It's extremely simple also, just
Code: [Select]
for(local q=0; q<4; q++) PlaceVoxel(q,1); Move(4); PlaceVoxel(5,water) and it's almost qomplete. It qould have some shelves every 64~ units so that you qan get off or on anywhere while going up or down.

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