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Messages - olive

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Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: The v1.21 bug report thread
« on: October 22, 2013, 12:11:17 am »
Infinite death loop.

If you dig a deep hole at location x:0 z:0 you will end up in an infinite death loop if you die since you always respawn at x:0 y:0 z:0.

Either put a voxel below the player spawn point on respawn or scan for a safe place to respawn the player. (The later is probably prefered, or you could be stranded on a single voxel without anything in your inventory to build your way out.)

Thanks. We will fix that  ;)

Suggestions / Re: More Vehicles
« on: October 22, 2013, 12:07:22 am »
It's really difficult to use a plane as an elevator considering the extremely long starting and landing area it needs.
I finally made the plane beqause I just had to try it out and it\s awesome! Qan definitly be used to get out of mining shafts quickly. I qan take off from a 2x1 area easily (the trick is to fall) and I've landed on a 16x16 area. Hardqore training for skill landings in progress.

We are glad to see you like the airplane. We tried to do it fun to pilot.

The Blackvoxel Team

Programming with Blackvoxel / Re: Simple mining bot restarter
« on: October 21, 2013, 03:14:33 am »
Code: [Select]
// Pause dynamiq voxel reaqtion engine!
function log(str) {
    //print(GetGameTime() + " " + str + "\n") //print doesnt work properly, use error instead
    error(GetGameTime() + " " + str + "\n")
function Voxel_Load() {}
function Voxel_Step() {
    log( "Qomputer @ " + GetX() + "," + GetY() + "," + GetZ() + " Look(5) " + Look(5))
    for(local q=0; q<50000000; ++q);
function Voxel_Unload() {}
Looks kinda qool when everything stops. It gives you time to fix stuff if some big chain reaction is almost going to kill you. with 50 Gcycles there's about a physics step/second. If I use more than that then the game qrashes when the qomputer is picked up or when you try to change the sqript it should exequte :/
Too bad beqause stopping time is a very qool ability. It works but it qrashes as soon as you restart the time and then it\s kinda pointless!

That's an interesting test.

The idea of stopping or slowing down the MVI engine is interesting, we could add a mechanism that could do it.

The Blackvoxel Team

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: The v1.21 bug report thread
« on: October 21, 2013, 01:32:44 am »
I picked up some infeqted voxels and some smiley monsters and played a bit with them.
The infeqted voxels were kind of unprediqtable, sometimes (or some places where) when I spawned them they didn't affect nearby blocks and turned to red liquid almost immediatly. Other times they started spreading endlessly and it took a looong time before any of the blocks finally turned to red liquid. That didn't stop its spreading since it qontinued to spread many times faster than it turned into liquid. My whole world was infeqted. The whole blue enter qube and, the water and white blackrocks around it, all the green blocks and the lava around that and then the big tree forest. At that time only a few blocks in the center had turned into liquid and everything else as far as I qould see was orange.

Good thing I had a backup of my world :o


It seems that these spreading voxels can be very unfriendly when used outside the sequence initiated by the "smiley" voxel  ???.

In the normal case sequence, the spread time depends on of how many "smiley" voxel are disturbed at the same time.

The Blackvoxel Team

Programming with Blackvoxel / Re: Complex Mining Robot Restarter
« on: October 19, 2013, 09:14:24 pm »

96 XR1s (8x3). First large sqale testing of the sqript just begun!
I worked a little more on my auto faqtory and it's now good enough to make all the robots and qompressors, which is why I haven't been able to test until now and how I got that many without haxxing the save file :D
You definitely deserve a reward for this fabulous piece of qode! Only my faqtory is epiq enough as payment. It's not qomplete though and the parts that are in are somewhat buggy atm. I'll post a beta when it's doesn't qrash or destroy your stuff :)

Unlimited resources + automatiq faqtory that makes anything is a pretty good qombination ;)

Is really awesome  :)

The Blackvoxel Team

Gallery / Re: Pictures of my work area
« on: October 19, 2013, 09:10:08 pm »
Nice factories!

Thanks for the screenshots  ;)

The Blackvoxel Team

Programming with Blackvoxel / Re: Simple mining bot restarter
« on: October 19, 2013, 09:06:40 pm »
I tried to make the script only do one operation for every Voxel_Step to make it as light weight CPU wise as possible. That was before I realized that Voxel_Step is only called 3.5 times a second for the programmable computer. I just assumed it was called once every frame.  I didn't yet know the limitation on how much you could do every step.

That piece of code is changed now.

But it still needs to keep track of how many robots is has in it's storage so it knows when the robots has finished dumping there storage into the compressor.

Yes, the robot work isn't synchronized with display frame rate. That's synchronized with the Voxel interaction system. The robots can run up to 5 cycles per second or slower depending on the global voxel interaction workload.

The consequence of the way the system works is that you can use a significant amount of cycle in your programs without harming or getting stuttering problems. Of course, you should avoid taking too much power or block it completely. But there is some room.

Where is the limit and how to know if you are ok ? Look at the voxel interaction speed : If you are taking too much power, the voxel interactions will slow down.

Suggestions / Re: Mineral amounts
« on: October 16, 2013, 11:14:23 pm »
The need for chrome, nickel and tin is very low, but they are found in plenty in the ground.
The amount of coal needed is huge but it's not found enough in the ground. The amount of coal is always my limiting factor for how much I can manufacture.

So my suggestion is to lower the amount of chrome, nickel and tin and increase the amount of coal.

Thanks for this information. We take a good note of  that.

Yes, the ore repartition in the layers of the ground needs to be refined.

Maybe we'll add a layer or a zone with more coal in the ground. So, player will have to travel for getting some more ;)

The Blackvoxel Team

Suggestions / Re: More Vehicles
« on: October 16, 2013, 12:03:05 am »
Gaaaahh!! Awesome overload! Yes please ;) to everything you mentioned


Suggestions / Re: More Vehicles
« on: October 15, 2013, 03:31:14 am »
As we said on Indiegogo, we had plans to add a Car and a Vertical Lift (or some kind of Vertical Vehicle).

For others vehicles, nothing is fixed but we think about some fun gameplay ideas like a rocket, a parachute, skis, some other kinds of aircraft. The idea is vehicles that would be fun to pilot. In fact, development time is the only limiting factor.

But the more interesting thing we have to speak about is here : we are working on a volumetric displacement system that we will use for doing volumetric vehicles that could be voxel-train, or a voxel-airship. Because these kinds of vehicle have no interest in moving only the player like the aircraft do(and the car will also do).

But with the new programmable robot functions, you'll can do yourself some kinds of moving voxel vehicles (even if it will miss some functions).

Further, we'll add some powerfull functions to the Squirell api to complete this : mass voxel moving(3D bloc voxel transfert) and some player physic interaction.  ;)

Gallery / Re: Pictures of my work area
« on: October 15, 2013, 01:50:36 am »
Yes, melted alloys composition are mixing when in contact (the heat also spread into the "alloy bath"). So you must cool the melted voxel after mixing.  ;)

The Blackvoxel Team

Gallery / Re: Qons gallery
« on: October 14, 2013, 08:48:36 pm »
You've mentioned the PlaceVoxel(x,y,z) function several times but never PickVoxel(x,y,z) or Look(x,y,z). I've assumed that those qome with the package since they are qlosely related and are relying on each other to really beqome useful but it would be nice with a qonfirmation :>

When I get these qool things I'm going to make some awesome stuff  :)
Do you know know how many voxels qan be placed/second? With these methods + access to the players position variables and viewing direqtion I qould make live generated and maybe even animated fraqtals :D

Don't worry, PickVoxel3D() and Look3D() are on the package ;)

Also fixed the problem with latest Gimp versions BMP format.

The Blackvoxel Team

Gallery / Re: Pictures of my work area
« on: October 14, 2013, 07:52:31 pm »
You can cool the molten alloys with water  ;)

Use water generator or pump to get water!

Suggestions / Re: Metalurgy
« on: October 14, 2013, 07:41:45 pm »
Yep, it's difficult automating the fabrication of some of the alloys. But we really want some challenges in Blackvoxel. Some future high end alloys will be even more difficult to make.

But we are also thinking about items that will help making alloys and understanding what is done. First, an heating machine that will re-heat the melted alloy preventing it to cool down where you doesn't want it to(in the mixing tank). And yes, some way to analyse the molten alloy before it is cooling down like they do in real life factories.
In the test phase, we used a kind of analyser and we had found it's very fun to play with that. But we hesitate between an analyser unit, some kind of "analysing goggles" that might also give informations about some other voxels. Another idea we will certainly do anyway is to give to the programmable robot the ability to get some detailed informations about a voxel. That would include some of the alloy composition.

The Blackvoxel Team

Gallery / Re: Qons gallery
« on: October 14, 2013, 12:11:54 am »
Fortunately, with the new 3D placement functions we just added to the code, it will took much less time to make it. At the time, we have not limited these functions to one action per cycle, so it will be really faster. We might eventually add a limit in the future for that, but we'll keep a setting somewhere to override.

So, as the first problem might be resolved, let's look at the second one.

For the world render distance (and loading distance) problem there is some ways  :

(1) Render by parts. The advantage of this is that there will be virtually no limit.

(2) There is a way to change world loading limit and viewing distance. It can be changed in the configuration file (RenderingDistance_Horizontal & RenderingDistance_Vertical). One unit more will add 2x16 blocks(it's a radius) in horizontal and 2x64 blocks in vertical.

Unfortunately, you'll can't get really high in the Windows version as it will get out of memory and will crash. So it's not recommended to get higher than the standard settings(It may be nasty and appears to work... then crash after some time or when you move).  If you want to use higher settings now, the only safe way at this time is the the 64 bit Linux version.

The Blackvoxel Team

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