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Messages - Enigma

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General Discussion / Re: Voxelarium.js
« on: October 31, 2016, 04:34:46 pm »
I did some experimenting with building presorted voxels.... which seem to apply pretty fast.

This was part of the C# work; but basically I made a linear list of the closest points of sectors that are to the [upper/0/lower][left/0/right][forward/0/backward]

I just went through each point(voxel) and figured it's distance from the respective point, and then sorted the resulting indexes; so I could have an ordered list of voxel indexes for transparent things that are outside of 'here' which is the 0/0/0 center point...

And really to be more accurate any sector that is on a 0 needs to be sorted based on the slice of other coordinates... blah I'm over-complicating this.

For 'here' the sort list has to be dynamically computed; there's too many combinations to keep them all pre-set; well maybe sub-sectors could be made that could be pieced back together as 'close enough' ...

so anyway then it's just foreach( index in list ) { mesh voxel[index] based on drawinfo }   instead of just voxel based on offset... this will then add the faces to the draw list in the right order... (and maybe that's kinda what your sorter does; I just kinda wanted to implement it, because when I tried it with a bunch of semi transparent blocks it broke down because of how it serially stepped - without regard to which side the player was from the sector being meshed.

Why don't I get notifications? I end up having to just come back and read? I'm pretty sure I put in my email right?

The purpose of actual "rendering sorter" in Blackvoxel is mainly to avoid too many texture changes. Some GPU shows important performance improvements with this.

Sorting "by distance" is only made on sector rendering level... but not for each voxel in the sector.

Sorting by distance for each face in the sector would be dependant of the player's point of view. But this would implies that the work could have to be redone (at least on some sectors) each time the player's point of view will change.

In Blackvoxel, "semi transparent" rendering like "tinted glass" is made on an extra separate rendering pass. As faces aren't sorted in a sector, this could end up to rendering transparent textures in the wrong order.
It's could be surprising... but that's not a problem. As long as the textures are sufficiently transparent... it's blending correctly in any order. Of course, there is a drawback : this won't work correctly with texures with too much (or very different levels of) opacity. Sorting faces would make it better for this case. It's a matter of choice between pro and cons.

I've checked for notifications, it's active on the forum and it's working ok : we get it ourself. Yes, you have filled an email address. Check your email in your profile and also the "spam folder" at your mailbox.

The Blackvoxel Team

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: Invert mouse
« on: October 22, 2016, 01:25:54 am »
I suppose you could call it a personal preference, however I put this in bug reports because of its' negative impact on gameplay. For someone used to using an inverted mouse, it makes gameplay very awkward. If you could imagine a left handed person for a hypothetical comparison, being forced to write with their right hand. This is not a hardware issue.

Current Blackvoxel airplane control conforms to every flight sim I know, I can't imagine a scenario where this would need reversing.

Thank you for your quick responses

We can understand this kind of personal preference and the fact it can be very important for some users.

So you'll be happy to hear we have decided to add a "Reverse y" setting to the next release.

In the meantime, you can modify it in the Blackvoxel source code and follow the "Compile Blackvoxel from source " tutorial.

In the file "ZActor_Player.cpp" at line 219, replace :

ViewDirection.pitch-=Delta_y/(3*MouseRatio); the following code :


We wish you a Good Game...  :)

The Blackvoxel Team

Suggestions / Re: Linux user data dir
« on: October 21, 2016, 02:37:50 am »
Just an FYI, convention dictates Linux game data directories in the HOME folder should be prefixed with a "." to keep it hidden. This is to prevent viewing of the home folder being cluttered with generated folders.

Picture attached to demonstrate.

In the first version of Blackvoxel the data directory was hidden (we used ".blackvoxel") for the Linux version.

But that was changed when the school mode was introduced : we made the explicit choice to make this directory visible.

The problem with an hidden data directory was because Blackvoxel is also an educational program. Some users have to interact with some Blackvoxel files as part of their daily use(Programs for robots, files for programming or custom textures). Some student that are beginners can be confused as they didn't find the Blackvoxel data directory because it was hidden. And even for those knowing where to find it, it wasn't very comfortable as there is a lot of hidden directories in the home directory.
So it appears to us that a working directory shouldn't be hidden.
In addition, the new convention for a lot of Linux distribution is now to put config files in a directory lying in .config rather than sitting in the home as an hidden directory.

Some suggested that we should separate settings from the user data. But we find this confusing to have two place with Blackvoxel data in it. In addition, as all Blackvoxel settings aren't yet in the Gui, user have to use config files in some case. And it's not easy to explain to some users "find the Blackvoxel directory, not the one you see, but the other one that is hidden".

That said, we offer the possibility for the user (or some distribution packager) to adjust it to meet their goals. The data directory name is in the ACompileSettings.h configuration file for Blackvoxel compilation options.

The Blackvoxel Team

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: Invert mouse
« on: October 21, 2016, 01:43:32 am »
Can you explain what you mean?

Inverting the mouse look on the Y axis. Moving the mouse forward moves the view direction down, moving the mouse back moves the view direction up. This is inverse to the current configuration where moving the mouse forward moves the view direction up.
Honestly, this is a very common option among games with a first person or third person perspective.

Do you see the use of such "reversed" option as the cause of a personal gaming preference or because of using some specific input hardware (Mouse vs trackpad or maybe some "art pad" tablets") ?

What about airplane control ? The actual in Blackvoxel for airplane is "reversed" as in most flight simulator. Do you think a "reverse control" option should also reverse the airplane control ?

The Blackvoxel Team

General Discussion / Re: Voxelarium.js
« on: October 12, 2016, 09:32:00 pm »
I have some updates and news :)

I've been working on WebVR; and 3d controller support.  I have a single sector loaded that I can walk around, and that's kinda satisfying.

I don't really have pictures... and it's somewhat unstable.   I can't use my glow shaader in AltSpace VR (Free Social platform which supports all devices including 2d displays; err your desktop. )

I have it loading there which is almost like WebVR... but entirely not.

still actually working out controls; and I noticed in AltSpace that the controls are still hooked to their game engine, and I need to see if there's a can't default behavior;

and I had to fallback to conventional textures; but 90fps in javascript with lots of room to spare :)

Hi d3x0r, glad to hear some news.

We have also worked on the idea of making a VR version at the Rift availability some time ago. Unfortunately, the VR universe was rather immature about different hardware support and standard API interfaces. But things will come in it's time.

About fps, what we can say as we have done a lot of tests with different machines, with voxel there could be huge difference between graphic cards,  operating systems and drivers. Some systems can get well over 1000fps on the blue flat area(with nVidia hardware). Some aren't really fast despite some powerfull hardware. Some hardware will struggle with unsorted textures. Some have limited capacity with shaders. Some drivers/platforms don't support some OpenGL features.

Ps : A new Blackvoxel version will get out soon...  ;)

General Discussion / Re: Hello
« on: October 12, 2016, 06:43:56 pm »
Really?  You're saying if I create a set of assets and charge $30 for them, that has anything at all to do with blackvoxel or it's code/resources? 

I disagree entirely.  If all supporting changes to the code is kept open source... but you can also charge for distribution of the sources, if no other methods are available... but even so...
The changes would have to be kept on your own git branch and basically any pull request would be useless to the mainline...

Hi d3x0r,

I didn't understand what you mean, did you responded to dddvvv or us ?

The Blackvoxel Team

General Discussion / Re: Hello
« on: October 12, 2016, 06:41:57 pm »
Got it. I will start development from scratch and release my work under MPLv2  :)
It will be exciting and I want try this

So, good luck for your project.

The Blackvoxel Team

General Discussion / Re: Hello
« on: August 30, 2016, 06:51:04 pm »
Hi dddvvv, and welcome to the Blackvoxel forum  :)

Unfortunately, what you are planing is not possible.

GPL v3 license means that any part of any derived work must be free software. Doing proprietary artwork or game content in order to turn a free software into a proprietary software would be a license infringement.

The GPL license is a "non permissive" and "viral" license. Any derived work must keep the freedom of the original work. With GPL, even externally linked code, content and assets are "contaminated" and must be released under a compatible free license.

To make it simple, if anyone want to use any Blackvoxel code and/or content to make another game, the price to pay is to make the game entirely free software. We won't tolerate any other scheme.

With Blackvoxel, we turned years of hard (and costly) work to free software, in return we expect any derived work to do the same. So we (and the free software community) can use derived work to improve the original work and other free software.

You say your goals are about personal development and to build knowledge with pleasure. If so, doing free software is the way.

About Blackvoxel, be aware that the game remains unfinished : a lot of features are planed. In particular, missions including puzzles are planed on the Blackvoxel roadmap since a long time. So it will end up in the game someday...

In the hope we have answered to your questions  :)
The Blackvoxel Team.

General Discussion / Re: Voxelarium.js
« on: June 08, 2016, 02:37:18 am »
We like very much the nice glowing effect caused by transparency  :)

About Javascript, if this environment is what meet at best the goals you want to reach, that's what matter.

Writing program always means doing choices. Whatever you choose these will always end up to be criticized ;)

Of course, languages aren't same. Each have their particular pro and cons. But we know you are aware of that. :)

The Blackvoxel team.

General Discussion / Re: Voxelarium.js
« on: June 01, 2016, 05:27:00 am »
That's Nice.

The 8 bit fonts are well in the Blackvoxel style. (Don't forget Blackvoxel is in one word  ;))

And that's remember good old days of early personal computing when we where young...

As we are programming rarely with Javascript, we can't help you about what are the best tools and libraries to use with it.

We'll go to look at your github as soon as we'll have some little time.

The Blackvoxel Team

General Discussion / Re: Just started using this engine today!
« on: June 01, 2016, 05:25:06 am »
Hi, and welcome to Blackvoxel.

Glad to see you enjoy Blackvoxel engine and it's universe style and mysterious ambience.

We are happy to see some creators to find interest in free software development.

Textures for the Blackvoxel engine are easy to do because of it's lighting model.

We would be very interested to follow your creation.

Good work ;)

The Blackvoxel Team

General Discussion / Re: Voxelarium.js
« on: May 26, 2016, 06:00:52 am »
Hi D3x0r, glad to have news from you...

I got tired of the C# port already :)  (never did finish actually implementing the game portion of it... just water)

We understand that.

Unfortunately, video games are kind of program that requires a tremendous work.

Started a new javascript/three.js version...

click and drag; 's' enables moving scaling, it's not very good... faster than scroll wheel though

it's actually broken into separate files on the source side; fed through 'browserify' to make it simple to load on the web page.... but you can save the page and have all the sources; soon to make a github branch for it

(the mode buttons don't do anything any more; I also did a test ... )

(although it's more inspired by, and plajurizing a couple algorithms like sectorSphere :)

That's a pretty interesting example. I guess it's using WebGL capability of the browser.

There's a lot of things to do with modern browser capabilities.  :)

The Blackvoxel Team

General Discussion / Re: Hoping for some help getting started
« on: March 12, 2016, 11:28:43 am »
Hi, I just downloaded this game and I'm really liking the concept of it. But alas, I have no clue at all what to do. I saw in a different forum post that someone received a very helpful "newbie" guide, and that's really great, but what I want is someone's opinion on whether or not this game is something for a casual player like myself. I know nothing of programming and the idea of switching between the game and the manual all the time is a little annoying but I can look past that. But is the game worth playing if I can't program any personal preferences into it?

Ps. I noticed there haven't been any recent posts on here. Is the game still in production? And thanks in advance for any help.

Hi Nemnadogg, welcome to the Blackvoxel Forum.

Yes, the game remains in production and there is no plan to stop.

Like most Free Sofware,  that's a long term project that (we hope) will have no stop and no end.

At this time, progress on development depend on our time, so that could go faster or slower.

Activity on the forum are usually higher when there is big updates and usually goes down in between.

About your question on a "newbie guide", a quick tutorial is here :

For programming, there is also the first lesson on our youtube channel :

About programming, it's not mandatory at all for playing Blackvoxel. This game can be played like any other adventure games. At this time, programming is only an option you can choose in term of game to see what programming can help you to achieve. That what is making Blackvoxel a good educational programming learning playground.

Yes we think Blackvoxel can be played by a casual player. But that could depend on what you like in games. Blackvoxel is an adventure and sandbox game where the goal is to explore this mysterious world, encounter very unknown things and situations and find how to deal with these. So the game will be suited for you if you like to take time to explore, discover... and build. And like in all games with total freedom, some of the goals are up to you...

What I can say to help you about the game goals are :

As you start with nothing, the goal of the game is to develop technology, tools, vehicles, means to explore the world and make things around you "more friendly" :

You'll have to build what we call a "tech tree" : collect resources to build tools. Use tools to build machines, use machines to make other machines. Use machines to make parts. Use parts to make vehicles, tools and machines.

The first goal should be to build some new constructor/destructor tools in order to dig faster and be able to collect some voxels that your "first tool" is unable to grab.

The second goal is to build some extraction robot to get mining operation automated. Achieving this need to master the metallurgy part of the game.

Ultimately, the ending of the "tiers 1" actual game is to build the airplane, takeoff and fly to discover the world.

The game universe is made of "zones" made of square rings around the central blue area you started on, each with it's own looking and dangers.

So one other goal of the game is to discover each of these zones and to get trough each to discover the next one. Very unknown things are to be expected...

Don't hesitate to ask if you have other questions about the game.

The Blackvoxel Team

Suggestions / Re: Some ideas for more user friendly features
« on: March 12, 2016, 11:13:32 am »
It would be really great if this game was a bit more user friendly. Sure there are shortcut keys to a bunch of stuff, but a menu option outside of the inventory would really be heavenly. Maybe some labels for the materials. A bit of an in-game manual/blueprint book. It just seems like this game was made for people who have experience with it already, and that just doesn't make sense.

Don't get me wrong, I think this is a great game, but as a casual gamer I want something I can just jump into and lose a few hours with. Going between the game and the manual is really immersion breaking, so some in-game instructions would be great enough that I could completely look past any other flaws.

Also I'm confused about something. The manual says that blackrock green can be found in the blue flat-zone, yet there is an entire zone made up of green. Is that just outdated information, or am I misinterpreting here?

Hi Nemnadogg, thanks for your very good suggestions.

Yes, as you guessed well, the starting Blackvoxel's primary target are regular players rather than casual gamers.

With this kind of game it's not easy to start directly with casual users in mind. Making complicated concepts accessible is possible, but unless you have important resources, it always takes time.

But as a long term project, we are working to make the game gradually more and more suitable for less experienced players.

What we are planning in the future to make beginners life easier is to make ingame tutorials and game missions with progressive learning goals. These features will break the difficulty to understand the game and it's goals.

About making the game manual "in game", that's a good idea that was already suggested by some users.
Unfortunately, the cost in development time for this feature would be huge. That explains why in games manuals are so uncommon in video games.
But we hope that maybe a day will come where more users will support free video games and we'll be able to get resource to make such kind of feature.

At this time Blackvoxel goes already further than many games in providing direct connection between game and manual. Just press "F1" key while pointing a voxel and it will launch directly your web browser at the relevant page about this particular voxel. We suggest you to use windowed mode as it will help to make transition between game and your browser more "friendly".

Yes, the manual said Blackrock green voxels can be found in the blue flat zone... and that's true (it's underground).  But this information is intended only as a clue where to find it, not as a list of all the place you'll find Blackrock green. Maybe we should say it's not the only place you can find it.

We wish you a good game...

The Blackvoxel Team

Oh, that's nice...

Welcome to the Blackvoxel Forum, Karats  :)

We see you managed to understand how the Assembly robot is working without example.

Guess you already have some good knowledge about hardware to have made this...

Yes, examples about programming assembly robot are missing. We'll publish some examples to help understanding.

We'll give you also some though on your program to help improve it.

The Blackvoxel Team

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