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Messages - Qon

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
Suggestions / Re: Change pictures format
« on: July 13, 2015, 01:35:21 pm »
Don't you mean byte instead of bit, and Mb instead of MB? One byte is 8 bits on modern computers...
And I doubt a single screenshot can be 133 MB even if it's a .bmp. Is that a whole folder of screenshots or is your screen resolution over 10 000 x 10 000?
Is "to >=" supposed to be "=>" an arrow? Or do you mean that 133 MB is larger or equal to 10 MB?

Suggestions / Re: Change pictures format
« on: July 13, 2015, 01:11:42 am »
What is "Mo of weight"?
What is "Mo to"?

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: The v1.38 bug report thread!
« on: July 12, 2015, 05:38:31 pm »
It can be useful to be able to separate out and err though. And I can't copy from the terminal window, search through big output or even go back to the beginning if there's a lot of output. Would be nice if stdout and stderr could be used as an option.

Also, how do I choose what text editor is opened with the "Edit" button? I'm prefer to use Sublime Text...

Suggestions / Re: FOV
« on: July 12, 2015, 05:32:45 pm »

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: The v1.38 bug report thread!
« on: July 07, 2015, 09:54:06 pm »
Bug: print and error don't write to stdout.txt and stderr.txt anymore!

Bug: Using this code
Code: [Select]
state <- 0
function log(str) {
    print(GetGameTime() + " " + str + "\n")
    error(GetGameTime() + " " + str + "\n")
function Voxel_Step() {
    if(state == 0) {
        state = 1
        log(GetInfo(1) + "  " + GetInfo(2) + "  " + GetInfo(3))
        PlayerMove(0.0, 30.0, 0.0)
        log(GetInfo(1) + "  " + GetInfo(2) + "  " + GetInfo(3))
I get thrown up to Z = 5000 instead of 30. Or is PlayerMove supposed to use voxel distances? It takes floats (and does not accept ints) and there is only one PlayerMove function that can move the player...

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: The v1.38 bug report thread!
« on: July 07, 2015, 09:00:25 pm »
PlayerAddAccel: Does nothing. (I can't see any movement)
PlayerSetAccel: Sets player velocity (not player acceleration!) to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) no matter what input is given. (Player stops jumping or falling but I can't se any difference no matter what axis I set to 10.0)

PlayerAddVelocity and PlayerSetVelocity functions are missing.

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: The v1.38 bug report thread!
« on: July 07, 2015, 08:04:19 pm »
When I try to pick up items that are too hard for my tool the sound and the "too hard" message are delayed sometimes. If I just click and wait it can take several seconds. If I double click or spam the sound from the first sound is played when I click the second time.
And one time when I tried to do it and held down the mouse button I grabbed the current item in my inventory in the sidebar and could move the items around. This was not in the inventory screen. Really weird...

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: The v1.38 bug report thread!
« on: July 07, 2015, 07:17:55 pm »
When I use F1 on the RTFM voxel this address is opened
instead of the correct

Also a suggestion: The RTFM voxel should tell you to use F1 so that you actually get to the manual instead of just telling you that you should go there.

Suggestions / FOV
« on: July 07, 2015, 05:29:37 pm »
I want FOV options. I normally only play 3D first person games if I can play with a vertical FOV angle of at least 130. This game isn't very action oriented and I spend most of my time in my text editor writing code, but I think it's time we got a setting for this in the game now.

If you make a slider then please show the numbers also so that I know what setting I choose.

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / The v1.38 bug report thread!
« on: July 07, 2015, 05:24:29 pm »
First report:
Pressing the "edit" button deletes (well it removes all the contents of the existing file or removes it and creates a new empty file) the script that is already there! So if I try to edit 0.nut with the edit button BV deletes my 0.nut and opens a new empty notepad window. It does find my current scripts because it prints out the first line comment of the 0.nut script under the edit button. I don't even have to press save in notepad for this to happen so it is deleted as soon as I press the edit button.

I was lucky and had the file opened in my text editor of choice so I could undo to get my code back. This could have been much worse otherwise... please fix asap before someone loses all their work! :o

Announcements / Re: Blackvoxel 1.38 "Machine Code" is released
« on: July 07, 2015, 02:33:38 pm »
Awesome! Though the assembly voxel doesn't have a recipe!

Programming with Blackvoxel / Re: Voxel pixel selector box, render offset
« on: October 21, 2014, 07:10:14 am »
Ehm what?
I have no idea what you are trying to to say. Are you discussing the BV source code or some other code?
What is a voxel pixel?

Announcements / Re: Blackvoxel is now on GitHub !
« on: June 19, 2014, 03:38:52 am »
That is qonvenient :>

...though you linked it in my bug report thread several days ago q:

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: The v1.34 bug report thread!
« on: June 11, 2014, 11:15:14 am »
1600x820 in windowed mode seems to work quite well :>

Troubleshooting & Bug Reports / Re: The v1.34 bug report thread!
« on: June 11, 2014, 02:01:07 am »
Can you post :
  • The content of the Settings_Hardware.dat file : it's in the Document/Blackvoxel folder. It's a text file.
  • The content of the Log.txt file : it's in the same directory you have the Blackvoxel executable. Also a text file.
  • What's the brand and type of the Graphic Circuit used in the computer (AMD, nVidia or Intel ?). What's it's type (Radeon xxxx or Geforce xxxx)
  • What is your screen setup ? How many screen ?
  • You say you use "GUI scalling", can you tell me in which part of your driver do you set what setting to reproduce the problem.
  • Why can't you use your laptop for other tasks when scalling is off ? Is this because of GPU usage at this resolution ? So you use lower resolution upscalled by GPU ?
  • Your Windows version ?
Answers to your Questions in the same order.

Setting_Resolution_h      = 0
Setting_Resolution_v      = 0
Setting_FullScreen        = 1
Setting_ViewPort_Offset_x = 0
Setting_ViewPort_Offset_y = 0
Setting_ViewPort_Size_x   = 0
Setting_ViewPort_Size_y   = 0
Setting_Sound_Enabled     = 1
Setting_Sound_Volume      = 100.000000
Setting_Mouse_Factor      = 2.500000
Setting_Key_MoveForward   = 119
Setting_Key_MoveBackward  = 115
Setting_Key_MoveLeft      = 97
Setting_Key_MoveRight     = 100
Setting_Key_MoveUp        = 113
Setting_Key_MoveDown      = 122
Setting_Key_Jump          = 32
Setting_Key_Inventory     = 105
RenderingDistance_Horizontal = 8
RenderingDistance_Vertical = 3
Opt_SectCFactor = 1.000000
PixelAspectRatio= 1.000000

[1030.3] Info : SDL Infos [current_w:3200][current_h:1800][BitsPerPixel:32]

Intel HD graphics 4400

1 display, 13" with 3200x1800 resolution

GUI scaling is a windows settings, reached from the display settings panel.

Its kind of unusable because with a screen that small and with a resolution that high and no GUI scaling, everything becomes so small that I cant click it accuratly and text is so small that it is hard to read.

Windows 8.1

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