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Topics - d3x0r

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Programming with Blackvoxel / Voxel pixel selector box, render offset
« on: October 21, 2014, 05:29:08 am »
There's a constant '256' and '128' in the code, that in most cases is the size of a pixel.
I was making a static const global struct to contain values like this...
but somehow this isn't the value that's used in all places.

Edit: Nevermind I don't have questions... my issue was 256/128 is also used in player dimensions so I ended up shrinking the player... and everything from a mouse's perspective looked the same.... so have to do some more combing; the player doesn't collide right for isntance.

the voxel selection box renders in the new size... but is offset from the floor by 256(ish) so I was wondering what it's called? where it's drawn?

and the cubes are still spaced out by 256... what 'creates' the world?  I would think that saves would be in voxel indexes... so if I change 256 to (GlobalSettings.VoxelBlockSize=64) and 128 to (GlobalSettings.VoxelBlockSize/2)

I implementd a ZMatrix class which is basically ZTransformParams and ZPolar3d rolled into 1... so only the initial setting the yaw/pitch/roll updates that matrix, instead of later computing TransformParams possibly more than one time...
I lost the actual yaw/pitch/roll values, but have functions that can get the relative yaw/pitch/roll of the matrix, which ends up always between -180 and 180 instead of 0-360, and I'm not sure which direction 0 yaw 0 pitch 0 roll is.... THe RTFM block reads normal, but appears behind me... my 'forward' ends up being a 'backward'... Oh also keeping it as a matrix I can just return the address of the row for each axis, which is the normal right, normal up, and normal forward vectors already computed (part of transform params kinda) .
I got the plane mostly working... managed to take off and land and yaw/pitch/roll mostly works... there are some iteritive effects that aren't quite right....
The matrix rotate is always relative to the current rotation.... it's for tracking 6DOF in space really where yaw/pitch/roll is always relative to your current yaw/pitch/roll.  I also have rotate matrix around an arbitrary axis... so I can pass the Y axis and an angle for flat-yaw rotation that the plane does as it is rolled...
The ground mode also has an auto correction to the roll, so every iteration just applied -roll to current roll to make the character stand up... ended up making the look up and down kinda auto rotate you if you pass the top... kinda like watching something go over head, when looking up, you'd keep looking up until you rotate your body and start looking (pitch) down to continue...

The other place I noticed polar vectors used is in the tree generators; so I ended up not replacing that usage.

Oh - so the other thing is I think that the 'view cone' isn't aligned forward anymore... was wondering what builds the forward culling... because it mostly works, but at times I'm getting strange short draws of sectors...(?)

Oh, and modified the save file... added blkplr3 that just stores location (zmatrix.origin) and viewdirection (zmatrix.quaternion) (this is a Vec4 that represents the current 3x3 rotation matrix) ; and not the camera location and direction, since this is always relatively updated by calling Actor->SetPosition()... so onload just set location viewdiection and call setposition.

I reread some of the things on your board, and I realize you're not looking for code input you're looking for funding input... so I'm gonna stuff a copy in my own repository so I can at least track all these changes...

Programming with Blackvoxel / What things are already available?
« on: October 18, 2014, 01:12:48 am »
Do you have something like 'the voxel in-line with the screen pos at a certain distance' sort of thing?  I found the add a block on right click, and extended it to do something silly like make a cluster of blocks in a relative direction... So it's pretty easy to set voxels in the world.

Is there something about the order to set voxels in so transparent textures work better?  When I used fiber optic, repeated, complex stepping had transparency issues, that the textures further back were rendered over the visible fronts...

Something like in space engineers, when you create a new ship, your first focus is at a fixed distance from you along the mouse ray.
THe other feature I was thinking I'd like would be, the block next to an existing type of block that the mouse ray is passing through... I realize that if you were looking down a wall that many voxels in line would be valid... so again maybe at a distance from the cursor... use like ctrl or alt-scroll wheel to set the distance?  Maybe I don't want that... maybe I can just click on a point to begin pathing.... well see still need to know which side near that block the mouseray is going through...

Like if I start with a center block in space (give the player a zero-g jetpack something) was going to use a center block with 6 blocks around it also filled in as a base shape for a neuron, and use the 6 voxels around it as connecting points... then still in that place, to extend a line outwards from there; in space engineers creative you cyou can hold ctrl and when building it selects a line of blocks... it's only a valid line when the mouse ray passes through a block on that line... so in theory there's 6 lines that extend out from this central shape, that I want to extend out away from myself, so i can't see the face to add the block to...

General Discussion / What I want to do....
« on: October 16, 2014, 04:17:43 am »
I have ...

On the left is a piece and a via connection thing, so you put down a block, and connect to it.
I want to work on a 3d version of the via(path) logic .

I'm going to allow diagonal block selection, with the assumption that I can patch in a diagonal block shape for filled edges... like I do with a 2d cell sort of thing...

like .. page 19 of this....

I'm pretty sure I can just hook my dialogs in... or make a alternate OnRender path and share a space.... probably remove SDL video; sdl sound seems OK other than it's not easy to just pass end of stream when no sounds... so it's always processing.  I used OpenAL with ffmpeg library....

and text labels over process blocks; maybe indicating how much carbon I fed it... it was not clear that many carbon followed by a metal uses all carbon, but it doesn't... it's like there was carbon left in the furnace.

You have a very large system of available processes; and the default theme appeals to me :)

(Dystopia game screenshot of matrix.)

General Discussion / SDL2 and how to close gui's?
« on: October 15, 2014, 11:59:30 pm »
So I found the keys that generate mouse buttons (like scroll wheel) and I guess middle click is how to activate the user block cube; but the only way I found to close that is to hit escape which is save and exit...  can escape be pre-empted by gui screens to close?

SDL2... I grabbed this, only took them 10 years to come out with it :)  Not a lot changes... have to change the type of 'GameEnv::screen' and use a different function to open the window; and unfortunatly the display info stuff is different, ended up just chopping that out for a fixed value from the settings file.... the swap call takes the GameEnv->screen(window) variable...

Code: [Select]
#define SDL_GL_SwapBuffers()             SDL_GL_SwapWindow( GameEnv->screen )

/* .... in ZGame... */
#ifdef SDL1
  SDL_Surface * screen;
  SDL_Window * screen;

The sound system is different I guess; the last buffer is never cleared,
at the end of ZSound::MixAudio....

Code: [Select]
  if (nSounds) for (i = 0; i < Buffer_Len / 2; i++) ((Short *)stream)[i] = (Short)(SoundBuffer[i]);
  memset(stream, 0, len);
otherwise stream is not cleared when there were no sounds to mix, and that block keeps looping.

removed a lot of references to including SDL, since it's included in ZGame.h anyway and seems most everything ends up including that.

how do I exit a gui dialog?   is it easy to add a X button?

The method for the mouse is different; but a simple define can fix that

Code: [Select]
#define SDL_WM_GrabInput      SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode
#define SDL_GRAB_ON          SDL_TRUE
#define SDL_GRAB_OFF           SDL_FALSE

// otherwise warp mouse takes the window/screen as parameter
#define SDL_WarpMouse SDL_WarpMouseGlobal

Some missing/modified keyboard handling/mapping.  Have to take the sym & 0xFF a lot of places because they set a high-bit in it (1<<30)

Code: [Select]
#define SDLK_KP0 SDLK_KP_0
#define SDLK_KP1 SDLK_KP_1
#define SDLK_KP2 SDLK_KP_2
#define SDLK_KP3 SDLK_KP_3
#define SDLK_KP4 SDLK_KP_4
#define SDLK_KP5 SDLK_KP_5
#define SDLK_KP6 SDLK_KP_6
#define SDLK_KP7 SDLK_KP_7
#define SDLK_KP8 SDLK_KP_8
#define SDLK_KP9 SDLK_KP_9

SDL2 also changes how the scroll wheel is handled, instead of passing it as a button it's an axis, and they support horizontal/vertical scroll...  so my scroll wheel is broken for changing items, but I found the keys for now.

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